was thinking, I'll report back just once. Bin grad beeen at AFS Camp and it's time from nothing. So I use the carpo diem and tell you ne little story that has happened before yesterday.
I was once again excited to work and sat down with two colleagues talking. It was already late and so we drank our first-Vieruhr Tereré. I was already about half an hour there. Time to relax.
then invited me to Carlos, whom I watched sipping while cleaning up, one at a illusionist show. As is my nature, I immediately blocked off for now. I have in recent years developed the attitude that I always first check everything carefully and weigh me before I decisionmaking. So I always go very well, and usually also save me injury and unpleasant surprises. This ability is leaving me occasionally to incoming alcohol and leads to rather unexpected actions. But this more another time. In any case, I immediately spat out a few excuses. In this I am quite added training and convincing.
everyone to decide wie er das findet.
Dann sah ich allerdings die ehrliche Enttaeuschung in seinem freundlichen Gesicht und es tat mir schon auch ein wenig Leid. Wenn sich jemand hier jemals richtig gut um mich gekuemmert hat, dann er. Also ueberlegte ich schnell. Ich muss im Moment Geld sparen und ausserdem wollte ich noch ins Fitnessstudio bevor es zu spaet wuerde. Aber dann fasste ich den spontanten Entschluss, nochmal nachzufragen. Er meinte, der Eintritt sei frei. Nice! Hm, nun gut, ich geh ja auch fast jeden Tag in die Pumperei, vielleicht sollte ich stattdessen lieber dieses aussergewoehnliche Angebot nutzen. In Deutschland wuerde der Eintritt sicherlich ein Wochengehalt hier kosten. Ausserdem ist er ein guter Freund. "Dale, Carlito! Quiero irme!" (Alles klar, Carlito, I want to come along!) You should have seen his face. Since I've
already guessed that it would be the right decision. Since I have also realized that sometimes you should just say yes to life, similar to the Jim Carrey movie "Yes Man", where the main actor in his life to change drastically, says yes to everything and, ultimately, a happier person is. The plot is somewhat complicated, but on the whole, the statement is intended that you should indeed consider the time, but the quiet times should also venture into the unknown, which can have wonderful results.

official movie poster. Cool comic!
Or as a famous proverb says that I often take to heart:
"If you do what you always do, you'll get what you've always gotten."
If you are dissatisfied with your life or caught in the daily grind, but do something spontaneous, something crazy. Of doing nothing is also nothing better. As we get older, we tend to be more serious and want to control our lives. No surprises. No threats. And no change.
But everyone should decide for themselves. Personally, I'm also a big, ruined the homeostasis of habit, but that does not mean I or you should spend his whole existence uniformity. Whatever the case, here this year gives me the invaluable Opportunity to think much about such things and reflect. A self-discovery year. Actually, yes I am therefore not come here. Somehow funny. A year that has found me and helps me understand myself and others better. For this insight I am very grateful. God, myself, my fellow human beings. Whoever.
philosophize why I always so happy to be here. I can think of these things spontaneously when writing. It is as if you can watch me thinking. Quite funny. Lets see what I will think in 20 years on these lines.
Back to Carlos and magic. The thing was clear then, and we went for a snack go.
Ah, very briefly: here we drink instant coffee, Art coffee bean flour granules so that the mixture is stirred with water and sugar to a thick sweet mush. This is then replenished in the cup with hot water. As my wife cleaning the Fundación offered such a cup, but I refused and instead drank black, it was so completely incomprehensible. Another time, I prefer drinking water because it was very hot outside, but generally I drink almost only water. From time to have a beer, juice or absinthe. When she saw me then drinking water, looked at her stunned colleagues looking for help. She did not understand the world anymore. Water for Merienda (snack between meals)? Absolutely unthinkable!
Did I want white buns with coffee. No, thanks, but make thick. Simple short-chain carbohydrates - laueft not with me. "SCANDAL" was written in her eyes. can
It's always funny how easy it is to foreigners than some people upset. But I'm not her evil, the good guys. They then tipped a little more sugar in her cup to calm their nerves and put a little taken back to the table.
disturbs me, too bad that sure everyone sees as a Paraguayan doctor and said give Nahrungsmittelratschlaege to have to or can. While certain herbs and teas actually help too, it pushes me bitterly when I am told that I should not drink as much water. That would versa euern my body yet. And no, I drank no soda. Hazweioh boringly normal. "No así. Te hare mal" (So do not. This is bad for you.) Is the standard rate, each of us has the volume's probably already heard more than once. Also, one should drink no bread with water, as do the thick. If one makes a sandwich wet, it will eventually also bloated. At this point: Simply door to her quack!
And again back: We took a quick bus and were within ten minutes at the "Centro Cultural de España Juan de Salazar (CCEJS).

The CCEJS at night in downtown Asunción
The interior looked very nice and tidy. It is like a German Galarie and placed just photographs of today's Guarani Indians in everyday clothes off. There was also a huge queue of people that ran through the entire museum. We had both spent almost the hope and wanted to crack the Tereré. Then went well somewhere in the distance the doors to the hall, to be held in the show, and we started moving. We were also still had to clean, but on the us Piso (floor) position. Within minutes the entire room was already packed with spectators. Sure, yes it was free admission. There is the Paraguayan (and me) always there.
The magician was in fact several artists and came in from the entrance. They wanted to lie down for a cool appearance well settled, but not with those Lot of people and were forced to vorbeizuzwaengen Piso visitors. Mega-Uncool! But she could not be a bad mood and put out a super show with ventriloquist, floating wife and several sleight of hand. The moderator was in fact a dwarf. I never had one seen here. Was very funny. Primarily in English. The troops came under others from Argentina and the U.S., which could be recognized from the very distinctive dialect or accent. Overall, I enjoyed the show very well, but unfortunately I had during the rough back and leg pain, because I had to bend all the people between Sun But since I'm here to improve my social flexibility, I was not more excited about it .. ;-)
Bis bald liebe Leute und ergreift die Chancen, die sich euch bieten. Vielleicht kommen sie niemals wieder!! Denkt an meine Worte! ^^
herzlichst, euer Jan!