Friday, December 25, 2009

Best Rollerblrading Tricks

Feliz Navidad!

Dear friends and companions,

it with me now for almost 5 months. For that I thank you. For all that I have discovered only recently: you are welcome. I always am happy about every reader. Here we are at liberal and tolerant. I want the youth as well so my stories swallows something such as the elderly (at this point Regards to the majority of my former teachers). We are color blind, choose not to know many gods and go. And if, then only the SPD!
In short, if you can read this, then imagine that I was writing these lines only for you, no matter what your beliefs!

people! Christmas. I know I'm still nen geiler hardcore bunch of other stories in his sleeve, but yo, I have to start somewhere, even times. Given reason, but I will write an article about the contemplative holiday of the year and as I have lived here.
So, first I see again the sequence in my German home with the local.
In Germany, we go around 8 clock in the church, of course, Protestant, where the children wait impatiently quaengeln already in their seats and until they can finally unwrap the gifts. Then, at about 21:30, then one goes home and sings a few songs in the festive Christmas Tree "- Style and then opens the totally overpriced vanities that have been forgotten in later than February. It certainly was for me earlier. Meanwhile, I know roughly what I need and what is not. Therefore, I wish I just always money. This desire is often quite happy being pursued, then I care because you do not have broken his head. Only now and then I will completely overwhelmed by some creative feats of my beloved treasure.

Now we want to move the whole thing a few thousand kilometers to the west. We are located in Asunción. It's Christmas time and again, the North American cultural imperialism left its mark and ensured that all over despite the tropical temperatures of red-white-cloaked Weihnachtsmaennern abound extolling the goods of various large corporations. It is interesting that it is not usual here, compassionate and thoughtful father to his people with gifts. In the large remainder of the country on religious grounds while celebrating the birth of the Redeemer (El Salvador), but usually not with vain trinkets, but a warm family gathering and lots of alcohol and eating. The majority of the people is poor and often live from hand to mouth. Only the small percentage of the upper class which is found mainly in the large cities, welcomed the arrival of the Christ child in the usual effusive European scale.

Before the details of my Christmas celebration into more detail, I should perhaps mention a little thing.

I changed two weeks ago my family for the second time.

is also this time the decision is not made by me. Sure, for me it was certainly a neat piece of hell on earth. I was totally indifferent to them and more of a burden than a family member. However, I was not going to do the first step and ask AFS, to look for another family. That was certainly the one hand, because I wanted to spare myself the unpleasant situation, they make contact with, but then also because I did not want to just give up. My plan was to take on these people and how a soldier every grievance, which proceeded from them to resist and hold out bravely. Luckily, they were the ones who asked me to go to the family, as my host mother to Ciudad del Este would offset and she was my supervisor, yes. I think the justification for these absolutely baseless and total nonsense. First, it was more often away on trips anyway, and not there to take care of me. Secondly, I was hardly at home because I had to work hard and not necessarily sought their continued presence. Third, my host father could just as easily take care of myself. Fourth, I'm 21 does not require more supervision and day to day. The other day, and I think that's the gist of the matter, they have also never pay attention to me. Besides, if I this had taken him to eat. I might be tired!
Did I cut this and use hard evidence to provide a convincing call for constructing an extended right of residence? I asked my superior linguistic skills in the service of the continuity of the status quo? Well, might as well ask whether I am quite clear in your head. Age, I have celebrated like a primitive man experienced than me, that I would change. That was one of the best moments of my life!
is hindsight I realized that my family may have understood but that I am not wohlfuehlte and therefore this has enabled me to escape. More likely though is that I give just a useless Burden was and they wanted me to get rid of reason. Whatever the case, we are both happier now, I think. They let me go of course not without petzen AFS that I eat too much and not clean up my room, which I then got a dressing down. Both allegations are absolutely correct and I practice both executed in full possession of my spiritual forces with great pleasure. I'm so sorry, but two buns in the morning and a bowl of soup in the evening are not enough for a young guy who is several miles daily and thereafter trained. We also have two cleaning ladies. Please what exactly is their job if not room cleaning and tidying up? So I was with my insight is not always very generous, As for my host family.

The exchange itself was actually quite simple. When I came back from a short trip, about which I will tell more precisely, the following afternoon was waiting for a taxi. Unknown With all my worldly possessions we went direction. My new host parents were not there. Therefore, Enrico opens, one of my three little Gastbrueder, the gate.
So, just new to my family:
I have a host mom and dad, both in their early 40, and three little brothers, 7, 10 and 16 years old. The ancestors of my father are Italian and my mother Arabs. My dad was the rest even a year in Germany. Even with AFS. Even as a teenager. My mom for a longer time U.S. firm worked and therefore speaks English more often with their children. Both are, as I've understood, engineers. You can tell straight away that it has to do with people here that are more open for the rest of the world and know the cultural differences not only from the newspaper.
Overall I feel very well so far. We have already had several great experiences together, but I would not like to go beyond the scope and elaborate on. Certainly at times I'll come back to it.

Back to Weihnachtsfeierei. Since most wicked annoy me my second family, I had dreaded for some time the common Christmas. See "The worst party. Ever." if you're wondering why.
So I was prepared, clever fellow that I am at my cool mate Carlos invited to his family or even have it displayed so that he invited me. That was a great moment and I had been happy to have him and his family. Since I knew but nothing of the planned family change and not that I 23 December should be sick - slight Mandelentzuendung. In any case, I had to cancel, but it is not a thing, because it was my health more important than me to present again his family (which by the way I like very much, even if you speak almost only Guaraní). If there were more of his kind, the world would beat a whole lot more livable. From him, and also meinen anderen Kollegen kann ich echt noch was lernen, vor allem sozial gesehen.
Daher also verbrachte ich Weihnachten mit meiner neuen Familie. Nachdem sie mit mir nachts noch zum Krankenhaus gefahren waren, weil sie sichergehen wollten, dass ich auch keine Streptokokken-Infektion hatte, gaben sie mir anschliessend noch mindestens fuenf verschiedene Medikamente. Mein Freund Eric, der gerade sein Jahr in Kolumbien verbringt, wuerde sich sicherlich in seiner Haengematte umdrehen, da er ganz klar der Homoeopathie den Vorzug gibt. Auch ich nehme eigentlich nie irgendwelche "teuflischen pharmazeutischen Erzeugnisse", um den Strassenpoeten Samy D Luxe zu zitieren, aber ich wollte meine neue Familie nicht beleidigen. Ausserdem hats super geholfen!
Weihnachten here usually runs down so that a big family dinner initially keeps, then opens the gifts at midnight and finally goes to the fair. The final part, we have fortunately left out, because at half past one night in the church must be because of me not to be. We have been in any case much good food and I've met a bunch of nice relatives. Is funny that I at one time almost all sympathetic relatives think during my previous almost all went on my nerves. If you can derive from it such that people come together with certain character traits usually? If certain Persoenlichkeitszuege inherited? I find this a very interesting theory that I mind remember that I initially wanted to study sociology and medicine times. Although the former has a dropout rate of almost 70%, I feel drawn to still propagated. But nothing more. However, I would you, dear reader, ask yourself sometimes thinking about this issue further.

That was on the whole Christmas. I am well aware that I have devoted a few lines of the actual event, but that is because I have no desire to go more into detail. It was nice and comfortable, suitable but not to a mega-story. One of the basic rules of writing is that you should always have fun even if someone else is like the writing. So I always write only Thoughts and facts down, which are of literary value. Can I define as a single person, which is litarisch valuable and what is not? Sure! Is my blog, hey! What do you think?

Until next week! ;-)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Harley Davidson House Slippers On Ebay

My work here and what I actually do.

age damn it was long ago! Are you frustrated, you have not tired of waiting? Fear not, for it is finally over. Your favorite author logs in again to speak.

Jan-Willem beatings has many stories to tell. Too many. But I think I'll just pick out a two-time events and give you the best.
I'll begin with a description of my job. was already more than one person I asked to give information about my actual employment. Evil tongues say even I would just chill out all day and not lift a finger. Ueeeebelste allegation. 'm On constantly sweating. Clearly, there is also at the 40 degree weather, but that's nothing here now to business.
So, I'm volunteering for a non-governmental organization called Tierranuestra (English for "Earth"), which operates in many areas. Our slogan is "Aprendizaje para el desarrollo" (freely translated "to develop teaching")

The main work is done in ecologically-preventive sector. We do shed light in Paraguay, to explain to people that we only have one planet and give him good night have to. My role here is that I'm going with my team to different schools and we do workshops, which provide fun and also educational important conservation principles. We restrict ourselves not only to realize Laberei, but also various projects. We usually help to plant trees to clean the school yard or cancel Klassensaele. Normally we only give the impetus and thus have the proverbial ball rolling. By the way I can get to know many children and young people who are usually more interested in my life than my enlightening words. But that is ok, because I thus contributing to intercultural exchange can.

Furthermore Tierranuestra has a subdivision called Sonidos de la Tierra (English for "Sounds of Earth" or "Global Sounds"), which has set itself the task of street children naeherzubringen classical music. Therefore collect donations to train teachers to reimburse travel expenses and to buy instruments. As if that was not enough, there is another special feature of the Sonidos-people: make even some instruments of her garbage. And I think I've even tried some of them. If for the laity in the sound is absolutely not the expensive originals distinguished. To illustrate how expensive I am always happy to compare a violin of a boy whose house is less wert ist als sein Instrument.
Insgesamt gefaellt mir meine Arbeit sehr und muss auch sagen, dass meine Kollegen super sind. Oft waren sie mir eine Stuetze in schweren Zeiten, waehrend mich meine Gastfamilie nur abgestresst hat.
Apropos Familie...da gibts auch noch ne Riesenneuerung. Aber mehr davon naechste Woche, ihr Blogsuechtigen!

und keine Angst, jetzt werde ich wieder regelmaessig posten. Bald werdet ihr wissen weshalb!

euer Jan!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Eurosport Elliptical Trainers Reviews


Geneigte Leser,
Wieder einmal ist es an der Zeit euch etwas ueber eine fremde Kultur beizubringen und ein wenig den Schleier der Ignoranz zu lueften. Mir ist durchaus bewusst, dass ich noch ueber meine Leave should work, but I will on occasion do, do not worry.
But today I would like to introduce you to a different theme: The public bus system

It may seem trivial to you, to address this seemingly unimportant aspect of its own report, but believe me, it's worth it. I'm starting
best in the fundamental structure of the bus system here and compare them with those in Germany. You all know how it runs in our home: It has been at the bus a table that shows exactly which line departs when and in what place she will be in due course. In my neighborhood, you know, I live more rural, continue the next day about three to four buses, bring me to the nearest big town. Accordingly, it is important to plan as to the exact minute, how do I get the time to stop. Boarding, then berappt first time and thanks to the rising oil prices not too tight. For this I can then comfortably on a padded, though nauseous dusty seat settle first and daydreaming let your soul.

This was Germany.

is now an end of it. We are here in South America, my friends. Zack Zack, I say just because! Since I am living in the capital Asuncion, other parameters are considered safe again for the great rest of Paraguay. However, it is very memorable, as here, the rabbit runs. It constantly go
everywhere and buses. They drive very fast, they go very loud and they drive very safely without a catalyst. Would like you to dress up for carnival, for example, as African-Americans, one need only ask once just before the exhaust of one of those brassy behemoths.
There are at least 50 different lines, which are also often on the road, not only in Asuncion, but most operate in other nearby suburbs. It is also interesting that it is nowhere specified, or when driving especially WHERE which line actually. Because of this lack of information, I am the first month and complete without the use of a coming out "colectivos". Since I now, but about 15 minutes bus ride from my place of work I live, I decided, then it regularly to take the bus. It was fascinating!
But of more equal. When I asked Carlito, my colleagues, as he had since learned, he said, grinning: "Tenes que probar" (Had to try to stop!). Actually I'm already frequently been skipped in the middle of my trip (not increased!) Because the bus ride suddenly took an unusual turn. Once the bus has even gaendert 10m after just the initial direction of travel by 180 degrees. Not wanting to look like a fool, I drove about 30 seconds with sitting quietly. After that I had then the same way to the bus stop to go again. I've seen it but I left. Just like everyone else. Brings exciting containing just nothing!

If you intend now to take advantage of public transportation for themselves, we follow the best follows: first

On a street corner to wait and ask. If you stand in the middle of a block, it may well be that the driver punish this kind of immorality with passing.
second Right line to wait. If you know which goes where the battle is already half won.
third Bus arrives -> arm, leg or other extremity stretch to signal that one would like a ride. This should be done on time and above all clear. To be fair, I must say that the bus driver to stop but really, whenever they see a potential passenger.
4. Jump up! Exactly! In the sense of getting up the ass. In contrast to German lands keep coaches here did not participate, but only drive a little slower. He usually goes once you're already going in the door. Even in older people he holds most not completely.
5th . Pay Every journey, no matter where, always costs the same fixed price: 2100 Guarani. They are the equivalent of 30 cents. Only if you drive into a town several miles away, during the trip will be charged. But even after Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro, which is several hours away, you pay no more than 35 €.
The type of payment is also quite interesting. You should change have already counts down the best hand to quickly to get a seat before the bus starts to accelerate mercilessly. If required, but you will also change, the show digs the bus driver during the trip leisurely from his office. Under the slogan "Coal is paramount," he counts his earnings initially, before the oncoming traffic to take note.
6th Sit down. My favorite part. For most coaches that I use there is always such a stupid hub, that's happening as I know, probably the passengers. It is very narrow, unlike me. Since the rest I usually carry a backpack with me, I have to pinch myself often.

is the approximate flow. Funny is also frequently in a public bus to enter and to know that almost all the heads under this major types with blonde Iro turn, which is about as Paraguayan as the North American super bowl. Meanwhile, I've got used me but left turn and take.
happens often is that all seats are occupied and we must stand. That makes me in itself, from nothing, I am happy and we can cushion the motion of the colectivos much better. There are also possibilities and holding everywhere here by my above average size, I'm here from the various Koerpergeruechen slightly safer, since my nose is literally above it all. The only bother me in the crowded problems of dropping out. At first I had no Know how people do that really. They stood close together and urged the goal is getting closer. As
then once climbed panic in me, I wanted to get up with a casual "permiso" (sorry). To my dismay I saw that one for me did not go out of their way. Oh great! I then pushes through and finally did, got up already halfway to reaching for the ceiling-mounted handle, when the bus was suddenly faster and I was thrown back. Luckily, my backside was held back pending the face of a woman who was sitting next to me. Stabilized so I sat on my way. As a precaution I then pushed me quickly through the crowd to possible consequences to escape. I think she called me angry little behind, but at this point, I was glad for the first time that my English is not so good.
Also of note are the illustrious figures who come in regular intervals in the colectivos to the naive passengers to reel off their money out of the ribs. Most of them are small children with a significantly darker skin color than the average Paraguayans. Your stronger pigmented complexion distinguishes them from mestizos and assigns them as members of the ever sold Guarani Indians. They usually go around with small printed cards, which they then distribute and demanding money for it. Sometimes I also had the misfortune to begin to sing them. Even has a boy in the empty seat in front of me knelt and stared at myself and I sang in a completely foreign language. As bad as he croaked, I can only assume that he simply wanted erschnorren a free passage.
Sometimes the seller but also very entertaining and skillfully play sax, pan flute and guitar. They are then even a small donation value.
, more and resellers with drinks, chewing gum, or come and hair clips, which come across a few willing buyers.
you hold the bus on the way, by pulling on a string to the ceiling or pressing a button at the output. Just last week, but once these mechanisms functioned not. Luckily, someone whistled loudly and the bus came to be.
Erzaehlenswert is that I once because I had sat front and rear urged as many people closely, wanted to get through the first steps of the bus. To this end I really had to jump over the turnstile before. I just came from the gym and was still really pumped up and wanted to again make a cool finish. So I got up, held me firmly on the bracket above me and pulled me up. That part worked well. Then I swung myself forward and unfortunately overestimate my strength, sodas, I was thrown almost flying forward. When I joined I think traffic still on the toe of an elderly lady and also hung with a ribbon on my backpack fixed hub. When I finally was entirely at the door, saw I know that I had forgotten to pull the cord and came from there not more to it. The lady behind me I better not ask for help. So I had to wait until the car finally stopped and ashamed off. But anyway, I'll continue to hone my technique and molt myself to the absolute Busexperten!

Until next week, her pop Koeppe!

leave me more comments! Not only Lars! ;-)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fotos De Cu De Mulheres

3 months - short sum up

Hello dear readers,

as you can see from the headline, the past three months have passed since I arrived here in Paraguay. Many things have happened, of which I have only a few listed here, follow some of which also be.
order not to bore you, I will very briefly five positive and negative attributes of my life so many to mention here.


first The missing of the most important person in my life in my home (especially my darling Janine!)
second No clever bread!
third Vermin in the kitchen
4th Intolerance, diet
5th Heat waves


first Warm nights without fear of cold weather
second Ice-cold, refreshing Tereré
third My work and my wonderful and helpful colleagues
4th The ubiquitous permanently low prices.
5th The coming together and sharing with other volunteers from around the world

On the bear Dwayne, a Belgian exchange student, who is fluent in five languages at least, and I have a visitor from Alaska to her "throne", according to the motto: "Ashes to ashes, trash to trash "! Fun ... Was a fun evening and will underline the importance of such intercultural encounters for broadening horizons are!

guys, that's it! If you understand something could or would like to agree with me! Comments are always welcome! ;-)