age damn it was long ago! Are you frustrated, you have not tired of waiting? Fear not, for it is finally over. Your favorite author logs in again to speak.
Jan-Willem beatings has many stories to tell. Too many. But I think I'll just pick out a two-time events and give you the best.
I'll begin with a description of my job. was already more than one person I asked to give information about my actual employment. Evil tongues say even I would just chill out all day and not lift a finger. Ueeeebelste allegation. 'm On constantly sweating. Clearly, there is also at the 40 degree weather, but that's nothing here now to business.
So, I'm volunteering for a non-governmental organization called Tierranuestra (English for "Earth"), which operates in many areas. Our slogan is "Aprendizaje para el desarrollo" (freely translated "to develop teaching")

The main work is done in ecologically-preventive sector. We do shed light in Paraguay, to explain to people that we only have one planet and give him good night have to. My role here is that I'm going with my team to different schools and we do workshops, which provide fun and also educational important conservation principles. We restrict ourselves not only to realize Laberei, but also various projects. We usually help to plant trees to clean the school yard or cancel Klassensaele. Normally we only give the impetus and thus have the proverbial ball rolling. By the way I can get to know many children and young people who are usually more interested in my life than my enlightening words. But that is ok, because I thus contributing to intercultural exchange can.
Furthermore Tierranuestra has a subdivision called Sonidos de la Tierra (English for "Sounds of Earth" or "Global Sounds"), which has set itself the task of street children naeherzubringen classical music. Therefore collect donations to train teachers to reimburse travel expenses and to buy instruments. As if that was not enough, there is another special feature of the Sonidos-people: make even some instruments of her garbage. And I think I've even tried some of them. If for the laity in the sound is absolutely not the expensive originals distinguished. To illustrate how expensive I am always happy to compare a violin of a boy whose house is less wert ist als sein Instrument.
Insgesamt gefaellt mir meine Arbeit sehr und muss auch sagen, dass meine Kollegen super sind. Oft waren sie mir eine Stuetze in schweren Zeiten, waehrend mich meine Gastfamilie nur abgestresst hat.
Apropos Familie...da gibts auch noch ne Riesenneuerung. Aber mehr davon naechste Woche, ihr Blogsuechtigen!
und keine Angst, jetzt werde ich wieder regelmaessig posten. Bald werdet ihr wissen weshalb!
euer Jan!
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