Master black belt and his deadly technique
Dear Reader,
I have some cool and longer stories ready and as always I tell it and hear nothing.
No fear is additional. Now I wanted to tell a funny first again between episodes.
I was finally once again full of sweat in my beloved gym and never imagined the Hucke when I suddenly heard loud cries. Once again it was a girl there that does not occur too often. Mostly the atmosphere is like a festival of Austrian capital (for all the idiots: Vienna Festival: D). However, this has the advantage that it is usually uncomplicated and quietly beautiful.
Anyway, this girl who shouted the same time and made noise. When I turned around, she jumped right behind a guy in order to hide from someone or something. The guy was stupid as the most-Matt (weakest) cronies, who was present, so he had not really been a help.
supervisor Aesserste confused, I looked around and then looked for the reason of the riot. Then I saw it: a huge black butterfly they attacked. In hindsight it could have been a bat, do not know, had my glasses again, of course not. In any case, shouting a few minutes went on and on and the head strength coach stood next to him left and sipped his Tereré. The main thing to look cool, no matter what one does. That is his motto. I admire him very well, incidentally. :-D
In any case, he seemed to eventually have enough and would probably have continued to flirt with Goer said that he could not while she rumrannte. A quick hint to the chief martial arts trainer and the matter was settled. Then suddenly came namely some broom-wielding Muay Thai black belt running. I wish I had filmed it can, but after a short waiting and patience he led an extremely cool to be seeing oscillating motion and crushed die Fledermaus an der Wand. Dann kehrte er sie mit dem Mordinstrument einfach weg.
Alter, hat mich das beeindruckt! Da habe ich beschlossen, dass ich dieses Jahr mit Kung Fu anfangen will. Wenn mich jemand nach meiner Inspiration fragt: Paraguay, Februar 2010, Meister Schwarzgurt und seine Todestechnik.
Nachdem der Nager beseitigt war, nickte der Krafttrainer zustimmend mit dem Kopf als sei sein Plan soeben wie gewuenscht ausgefuehrt worden. Danach widmete er sich wieder seiner Schuelerin und seinem Tereré. Und ich war einfach nur gluecklich dabei gewesen sein zu duerfen.
ihr Leute, postet mehr Kommentare! Please!!!
Danke:) euer Jan
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