Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hiding My Computer's Ip Ubuntu

Siméon's Tractor ...

is ... the last embroidery for the cube, I had to stitch yet.

When he arrived yesterday morning and saw this tractor was a spontaneous, merçi Grandma and shining eyes that warmed my heart of course.

And now I see just the image that I have forgotten some Deckkreuzchen embroider.
Well, no wonder
yes I embroider just watching TV at night and black is such a thing.
Well, the damage is fixed right before I close the cube.

Now comes the tricky work, sew together, but it must be.

Here the first two letters of his first and middle name
and toys with which he loves to play.
also should not miss a biscuit and apple.
And Pay!
the moment this is very important if the order is not exactly true, when enumerating the numbers.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gay Cruising Spotsin Mumbai

Zac & Vanessa @ Get Him To The Greek LA Premiere

Die Beiden besuchten gestern, 25.05.2010 die Premiere des neuen Russel Brand Films "Get Him To The Greek", dt. Titel: "Männertrip" im Greek Theatre in Los Angeles, Kalifornien.

Einige Bilder von der Premiere:

Von der After Party:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What Are The Tech Deck World Records

flowers ...

... sind Kinder des Lichts und der Sonne.
Und da heute die Sonne sich zeigte, bin ich in den Garten und habe diese drei Fotos gemacht.
Tränendes Herz,
oder Lamprocapnos spectabilis wie die botanische Bezeichnung heisst.
Diese Blume, mit ihrem aparten Erscheinungsbild ihrer Blüte,
I find very beautiful.

One of my Paeonia (peony bush)
growing in my garden, has now opened their flowers.
The winter was long and hard and I had feared,
she does not produce flowers this year.

And this little boy will, in addition to its heavy load still a small cabinet trailer that has already gone on the trip.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Felicitacions De Bodas

Zac Efron & Vanessa Hudgens @ Young Hollywood Party NYLON

(Will not indicate the arrangement somehow: D)

And here are the links to two videos of the evening:

Kate Playground Pillow

loyalty fans ...

Hello my friends!

As I have also just been reported in the chat, I know, unfortunately, not what is wrong with Isi, or what happened to this page.
But I think that you did not deserve hanging to it, as it always true to this page were!
alone I can not continue this site, unfortunately, I do not have the time, and the other moderators we will get to hear anything, maybe you could once you contact me?


your zanessa4life (Jojo)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Is Dragonball Z Making A Come Back

Mother's Day in Paraguay (Día de la Madre en el Paraguay)

To me once again to report briefly to speak, I would like to tell you happy Mother's Day from my local experience.

The interesting thing is that, unlike in the rest of the world's great that mothers not on 8, but on 14 May is celebrated. This is not a hint of Paraguayan stubbornness to get the rest of the world to sell, but simply historical.

Like many countries in South America earlier formally belonged to Spain and then cuts the umbilical cord by their transatlantic political maturation, so also from Paraguay, said the once vast colonial power going on in the Mediterranean.

On 14 May 1811 it had come: El Paraguay became independent and credit to this memorable date ever since the annual "Día de la Patria - la Madre de la gente" (Day of the Fatherland, the mother of the people).

This translation sounds a bit unusual, even contradictory. However, one should simply take note of cultural and linguistic differences and not to worry about grammar on the head. For both father and mother take care off her child. The fact that in this ultra-Catholic country, the mother of God plays a big role helps to make things, the day of its great importance to impart.

is celebrated on the 15th, however, Accordingly, for yesterday was a small celebration set on the terrace. The weather was unfortunately not quite with and therefore we had something nearer to the wall. Meanwhile, there is actually quite cool here in Asunción. It was not hot for a long time and only now and then it is still warm. Since we are located in the southern hemisphere, we have now autumn, slowly but surely turned into winter. Nevertheless, this is still no reason to unpack the mink coat. According to my host dad is the current Paraguayan temperature negative record at just -7 degrees, measured a few years ago in the "City of the South," Encarnación.
frost, freezing cold and even snow are most Paraguayans actually known only from the media, and stories. It has really shocked me at the time, when my boss told Carlos that he had with his 26 years never seen snow or the sea. He has now visited, however, central Chile, where both natural phenomena are almost inevitable.

But back to the family celebration. Unlike my previous family, in which I had noted repeatedly that antipathy appears to be hereditary, I experience contrary to the positive and I feel wonderful, and repealed accepted.

There was then a asado, which served my maternal uncle, and later fueled masterpiece. The word asado comes from the English verb asar (fry cook,) and is basically like a traditional barbecue event in the German mid-summer. It is on a parrilla (grill) until it is sizzling outside slightly crispy, but inside is still pink. The meat used here is very high quality and comes mostly from the Chaco, the northern, sparsely populated part of Paraguay, which was made by Mennonites wirtschaftsfaehig. A very interesting piece of earth that you knew about a lot more secure if I use my two visits there bereits niedergeschrieben haette. Ganz ruhig, kommt noch!

Wie gesagt, es ist wahrlich immer wieder eine Freude, sich den Genuessen des paraguayischen Rinds hinzugeben. Auch die Namensliste fuer die verschiedenen Teile von Rind- und Schweinefleisch ist bemerkenswert. Waehrend ich in Deutschland schon nach Kotelette, Filet und Rippchen so ziemlich mit meinem Fleischerlatein am Ende bin, stosse ich doch ernstlich an meine Grenzen, wenn ich gefragt werde, ob ich nun costillas , matambre , chorizo vom Braford oder doch lieber tapa cuadril vom Ratford Rind probieren moechte. Nachdem ich dann nahezu alles verkostet habe, mein Gastvater mich dann aber darauf hinweist, die besten Stuecke verpasst to have, but every time I come to tears. Whatever the case, I am thrilled each time again and congratulate me, no need to be vegetarian.

the way, I imagine it before but actually quite difficult, as flesh Vera Real or even vegans to come to this country. While better-off families had any major problems with it, I go hard to believe that a majority of the population with incomprehension, and perhaps would even encounter suspicion. Finally, the consumption of cooked meat is an integral part of this culture. Not only is the meat as a very clean (not that the money at all for extensive hormone treatments would be there!) And tasty, rather, the family dinner is also deeply woven into the culture. Now, if a foreigner comes with its strange Extrawuenschen, this can certainly lead to conflict, depending on who since collide.
continue to oppose it openly so that a portion of the host country from. But, the type of family into which they will put an important role. can
During my first two families certainly do not understand the motives of a vegetarian would have it, then my current budget and would be sure SOUL tolerant enough to understand the lifestyle of a "different eater." My host father makes the moment even an Atkins diet, considered by some even in Europe as a new-fashioned nonsense is. About their effectiveness, I would like to address myself here but not further, as this article would never end otherwise.

Another important item of the kitchen next to the Paraguay is the so-called parrilla tatakua (read "tataquá"). This word is how some can already think of the indigenous Guarani language and means fire hole ( tata = fire; kua = hole). This name is quite appropriate since this is a primitive oven is, which is used for a long time as a cooking area and even today, especially in rural areas is utilized.
The principle is simple and effective: you build a hollow hemisphere of brick ( Ladrillos ) that are held together with a clay-cement mixture. How to use hears very capable builders additionally was ash and miel de caña (sugar cane honey), also miel negra (black honey) called. In the latter case it is the still unfiltered molasses, which is an intermediate product in sugar production. Ash and miel see to it that the tatakua retains a certain elasticity and forms at high pressure and temperature fluctuations do not cracks. Inside
is then ignited a fire that heats up the Eco-stove constantly. Once the desired temperature is reached, a Part of the embers and ashes removed with a scraper and replaced by the court to be cooked.

Tatakua - the traditional oven Paraguay

Three dishes are especially pleased and often prepared in this way: first

Sopa Paraguaya (Paraguayan soup) - Anders does what the name perhaps, these are not a stew or even a liquid broth, but rather a kind of savory cake made with eggs, flour, onions, milk and spices. Last but not least, the Paraguayans boast over again for living in the only country where the soup was established. If done well, is one of my absolute sopa Lieblingsspeisen, auch wenn sie recht schwer und etwas fettig ist. Schlecht zubereitet ist sie aber kaum geniessbar.

2. Chipa (Guasu) - Chipas sind donut- bis adventskranzgrosse Ringe aus einem Kaese-Mehl-Milch Mix. Sie werden ueberall auf der Strasse oder an Imbissen zum Verkauf angeboten. Mir persoenlich schmecken sie extrem gut und ich werde versuchen ein Rezept mit nach Deutschland zu nehmen und jemanden finden, der sie mir dann auch backt. Am besten schmecken sie ofenwarm. Weniger Spass macht das Geniessen am naechsten Tag, da sie dann hart und broecklig sind.
Chipa Guasu ( guasu , Guaraní fuer "gross") hingegen ist eine andere Speise, the little in common except the name of regular Chipas added. It is the term for a type of corn cake, which is made mainly with milk. Visually it is easy to confuse with the sopa . Just taste one notices the difference. Chipa Guasu is somehow not at all tasty. Unlike the sopa whose quality of cooking depends on the Guasu can save recipes in my view, hardly. The best thing is to have a taste about nationwide drink to have at hand. At first I even thought sopa and chipa Guasu were identical, except that some were sopa -pieces simply did not succeed as well or even scruffy. The error I have come to realize, however.

third cassava (English " mandioca / yuca "; Guaraní "mandi'o") - The tuberous root of Cassavestrauchs which contains uncooked deadly cyanide is an important part of the local cuisine. It is either boiled or fried like potatoes in the oven as a crispy fries served. In taste they can also be clearly compared with the domestic "Krumbeer" that appear again and again with little tough fibers that should be removed before.

From our little culinary tour we come back to our family round. It was, as already mentioned, a nice meeting with lots of food. When I wanted to go I just stuffed a Samstagnachmittagsschlaefchen, my blood circulation, however, was cheered on by a sudden surge of adrenalin.
were brought out several cakes, which were on each candle. Furthermore, they sang at once "Feliz Cumpleaños" (Happy Birthday) and blow out the candles had my host mom. "Never in my life! The birthday today?" I wondered in alarm. I did not even congratulate her. Super embarrassing! Luckily I had my Facebook open and ran quickly up unnoticed to the PC and looked for the profile of my host mom that I luckily had her set up some time ago. Facebook is really in those things ueberaus hilfreich. Ich sah naemlich, dass sie erst im Oktober Geburtstag hat. Entspannt und laechelnd ging ich dann die Treppe hinunter und machte wieder einen auf den laessigen Typ, der ich bin und liess mir Nachtisch geben. Spaeter erfuhr ich, dass den Muettern wohl zur Feier des Tages ein Lied gesungen wird.

Spaeter am Abend, als alle Gaeste schon gegangen waren, gab ich meiner Gastmutter dann noch ein kleines Geschenk mit einem Briefchen. Sie freute sich sehr und man sah ihr an, dass sie nicht damit gerechnet hatte. Der schoene Moment wurde dann aber von meinem kleinsten Gastbruder unterbrochen, der laut wuergend an uns vorbeirannte, um sich dann auf der Toilette das Festessen nochmals durch den Kopf gehen zu lassen. Er hatte wohl zuviel morcilla, blood sausage, eaten.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Buy Pkg. Vanilla Sugar

einz, two, three ...

... four and five.
The first die is ready!
Faster than I had thought I had found the small motifs and embroidered.
The "inner life" is a 5 x 5 cm large foam dice,
outside, natural colored linen thread-like 14.
The motifs I stick from different magazines.

Lucie doll fits that the Dice purzzeln not shut.

The hands are so small that they can only hold two dice.

And that makes it fun to learn numbers, do not you think?

Lucie still has a twin brother
and he can already carry more in his little hands.
Take it easy, he has kept it in the photograph and asked
Grandma, et moi?
Well, that is, the next day I'm going to work for 6 more cubes.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cute White Sweater Dress

A very special destiny!

such dear Blogophile,

"It took a long time." The most seems to be saying to the standard of this page. But I would like to remind you that just as a fruit tree that can not always bear fruit, or need a young red wine, the more time to expand and develop its unique, delicious character, and I mean laboriously collecting stories and possibly refine needs. There is always plenty to tell. But to be sure that you will be bored by any boring Durchschnittsmuell than almost everywhere in the media, I sort through everything carefully first, and then present to you only the elite.

In this sense, I'll take your apology for the impatience ever been to advance and say, "Do not mention it you could you really do not know!".

So, while I was doing something really cozy up to next weekend "sort", but yesterday something strange and very remarkable happened, the report absolutely does not tolerate any further delay. In order to
must not ask too many questions to answer in retrospect, the narrative of my experience possibly could raise, I once again a short status update of my leisure activities.

had since March I started a Portuguese language course to prove. I had thought that It would be so well here as a standard VHS-language course in Germany, ie about 2-4h per week. Unfortunately, there was this offer in any obvious language institute. The only available language package was: "Português - Super Intensivo" .
This means in plain text five times a week 2 hours each class! That was a little more service than I really wanted to take advantage of, but hey, if I'm already there and a month the equivalent of just under 30 € costs, then I'm right at the start.

The reasons why I started Portuguese are many. In principle, I really wanted at that time only convince my Mitfreiwillige Steffi them to miss the opportunity not to be. So I started to her recite a long and sound reasoning. I could not, but at least convince myself completely from the idea. I was always right in front of convincing, but it would have even I, not my usual arrogance, calculated.

At this point, I can only advise everyone to learn a (more) foreign language. With every new language you can view the world from a totally new perspective and see things and understand that a previously closed. I begin to remind myself when I have interesting conversations with people I can not even a year ago would have understood. Language is a wonderful thing for me and has always been something magical about the had.
But enough philosophy of language and back to my update.

We read our first book, currently in course in Brazilian Portuguese original. One of the reasons that led me to learn this craft was and is because I wanted to be in a position to be able to read the books of a certain man without distorting translation. He is Brazilian and polyglot, so a man who speaks several languages perfectly. A former law student and self-confessed ex-junkie. A very successful Globetrotter and a member of an old English order. He has brought thousands of people inspiration. It is even said to cure depression, his stories could give new hope and courage. Who

is this man?

His German name was Paul Hare. We are talking about Paulo Coelho, one of my favorite authors.

In the first lesson in March, I was a little earlier than the rest because, since I asked my teacher, Marta de Bueno, why because I would have decided to attend their course. for all the reasons that I so in the swirling head burst, I simply "because I want to understand read Coelho and" out. had spoken
Since I have the last word, I felt incredibly stupid. I come in and talk to their course of any author, from which I do not even know if they ever heard of him, even has something to read. And if Yes, what you would ever think of him? And why should I not just read a German translation?
I expected a confused, "Who?" or a lecture about the true use and history of the Portuguese language. Instead, however, she smiled at me and nodded his head SOUL. As if they once had exactly the same want to do. Then she said to me in their native language, I was suddenly surprisingly understandable:

! Coehlo Yes, I know him He's a good friend of mine.. "

I stared in disbelief for a few seconds, but then they told me the story of how she had learned to know him. This presented my understanding, unfortunately, not more completely, as they talked, as before, in my limited English and foreign similar language. Now I was the one who simply nodded her head. But I did not care. Somehow I felt that I had made the right decision to do the course.

This feeling has not been deceived me. Even after two months I am still absolutely thrilled to find the bold-pointed tongue of Brazil is now more beautiful than English. I plan to continue learning in Germany in any case.

But this was only my own particular experience with Coelho and his speech. What I will tell you now, is by far unusual and, at least from my perspective, inspiration and Pure life-affirmation. This would have to
her know that we are reading the "alchemists", or "O Alquimista" in the original; Coelho's second work. I had it to me a few years before led to heart, but unfortunately many forget. So I was very pleasantly surprised when our teacher announced that first Pflichtlektuere.

It is short, the young shepherd boy Santiago who leaves his beloved family and flock of sheep in Andalusia, to search for a treasure in North Africa, it appears several times in the dream and did not let go now. On his journey he encounters many wonderful things to show him how great and unpredictable life can be in this world.
I want to say anything but overall the book is a collection of deeply profound wisdom, are woven into an interesting plot. Again and again you have to pause and understand completely baffled how much but the conclusions drawn by the young Spaniard, also apply to their own lives and our own everyday lives.
I, for my part, could hardly believe that I have noticed that things were not much earlier. It is definitely a book that I could read again and again. If I had to exile to a desert island and had only room for a single document, then I knew now that it would be.

original book cover

"The Alchemist" from Amazon

Then it happened yesterday in the second half of the course.

As every day we had to come forward and recount their own words in Portuguese in a prepared part of the "alchemists". While a girl while playing just lodged a pause, said one classmate loudly lyrical: "No, I have at all this comic book does not like."
little shocked, but also with a trace of pity for him, I waited, how well would turn out the reaction of the teacher. They just looked at him seriously and said, "Who cares, obs you like you're doing here to learn Portuguese and write any book review?." As we argued

then all had, and they released us just wish they brought her voice again and saw us all one by one in the eyes, remained with her eyes but finally at the boy lying, who had previously given his vociferous criticism.
She said: "My son, before you hastily on judgments of this book, I would like to tell you that I Reading this already, for years, my students used successfully for many it has been enthusiastically adopted, and never let go And I.. can you say one thing: This book has already changed life "

with expectant faces, we looked them all in and after a brief dramatic pause, she began to play the story of a former student who once also had "O Alquimista" read to her.

She began slowly and clearly tell. Her eyes roved can blur into the distance, as if she was somewhere else with their thoughts and feelings, and only its outer shell and hot flue voice in the room left for us:

came a few years ago a boy from very poor backgrounds to her in Super Intensivo the course. He worked until late at night to earn enough money to be able to afford the course that to our situation admittedly is not exactly cheap. He lived at the time in a rundown neighborhood, the most was called "El Cocodrilo (the crocodile). There he lived with his mother and sister in suppress armen Verhaeltnissen ohne grosse Aussicht auf sozialen Aufstieg.
Nachdem er die Lektuere dann daheim beendet hatten, rief der Schueler eines Freitagabends bei Frau De Bueno aufgeregt, aber selbstbewusst an und teilte ihr mit, dass er sich entschlossen habe, in die USA zu gehen, dort ein neues Leben zu beginnen und alles dafuer tun wolle, dorthin zu kommen. Als sie ihn daraufhin fragte, wie er sein Vorhaben denn zu finanzieren gedenke, antwortete er nur: "Ich weiss es noch nicht, Profe, aber ich werde es schaffen. Ich will es von ganzem Herzen!" Unsere Lehrerin schlug ihm vor, sich fuer ein Stipendium nach Brasilien zu bewerben und sich von dort aus weiter durchzuschlagen.
Er arbeitete in den folgenden Wochen sehr hart und war auch auf bestem Wege to get a scholarship. (Marta told us that all the scholarships that are awarded semi-annually by the Brazilian embassy to be occupied almost exclusively by their students!).
Then something curious happened
. Fate if you will.

He met a girl here in Paraguay to know and fell in love with her. They became a couple and were no longer be separated from each other. And it happened that her parents were very rich. He soon told his girlfriend that it was his big dream to go one day to the USA and stay there if possible. He did this very carefully, because he was afraid to be able to hurt their feelings. His wealth, however, was this on to her father, who Boys could suffer very good. A few days later he offered him to move with his daughter in the United States after the two would finish their studies this year. He will pay for everything until they are both on their own feet could, he said. Fassunglos completely with joy, he hugged his girlfriend, her father and studied day and night to how to achieve a good degree. Towards the end of the year they both flew to the U.S., where he completed a postgraduate course. They lived there for a few years before the boy was offered a career as a model. Meanwhile, he has earned a lot of money and lives in Spain. have not, however, without traveling to know in the meantime, many countries and learned to.
few months ago, said the students then in Marta on and told her about all the events and ended the conversation by saying: "Thank you very much, Profe you would not have had the" necessary to read Alquimista ", which had motivated me to follow my dreams, I would today with my mother and sister in "Cocodrilo" home. " And under a gentle sobs, he added: "I can not tell you how much I owe you and Coelho A thousand thanks."

The entire class had directed their attention to the teacher and hung on every word when they are suddenly fired with one hand movement. But we sat there and let us act on the what they had just informed us. There was complete silence in space. Only the previously so self-conscious boy murmured softly, "Actually it was not so bad ..."

E quando você
alguma coisa across, todo o Universo para que você realize Conspira seu desejo.
And if you want something fixed, then the whole universe will help make you even reach it. - Paulo Coelho, O Alquimista

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Carbonated Mineral Water For Digestion

Of the many ...

... the beautiful embroidery work that I have seen in Dijon,
here are a few pictures.
Goes times in the next few days on the side of PCB , because you can still see more beautiful handicrafts.