Mother's Day in Paraguay (Día de la Madre en el Paraguay)
To me once again to report briefly to speak, I would like to tell you happy Mother's Day from my local experience.
The interesting thing is that, unlike in the rest of the world's great that mothers not on 8, but on 14 May is celebrated. This is not a hint of Paraguayan stubbornness to get the rest of the world to sell, but simply historical.
Like many countries in South America earlier formally belonged to Spain and then cuts the umbilical cord by their transatlantic political maturation, so also from Paraguay, said the once vast colonial power going on in the Mediterranean.
On 14 May 1811 it had come: El Paraguay became independent and credit to this memorable date ever since the annual "Día de la Patria - la Madre de la gente" (Day of the Fatherland, the mother of the people).
This translation sounds a bit unusual, even contradictory. However, one should simply take note of cultural and linguistic differences and not to worry about grammar on the head. For both father and mother take care off her child. The fact that in this ultra-Catholic country, the mother of God plays a big role helps to make things, the day of its great importance to impart.
is celebrated on the 15th, however, Accordingly, for yesterday was a small celebration set on the terrace. The weather was unfortunately not quite with and therefore we had something nearer to the wall. Meanwhile, there is actually quite cool here in Asunción. It was not hot for a long time and only now and then it is still warm. Since we are located in the southern hemisphere, we have now autumn, slowly but surely turned into winter. Nevertheless, this is still no reason to unpack the mink coat. According to my host dad is the current Paraguayan temperature negative record at just -7 degrees, measured a few years ago in the "City of the South," Encarnación.
frost, freezing cold and even snow are most Paraguayans actually known only from the media, and stories. It has really shocked me at the time, when my boss told Carlos that he had with his 26 years never seen snow or the sea. He has now visited, however, central Chile, where both natural phenomena are almost inevitable.
But back to the family celebration. Unlike my previous family, in which I had noted repeatedly that antipathy appears to be hereditary, I experience contrary to the positive and I feel wonderful, and repealed accepted.
There was then a asado, which served my maternal uncle, and later fueled masterpiece. The word asado comes from the English verb asar (fry cook,) and is basically like a traditional barbecue event in the German mid-summer. It is on a parrilla (grill) until it is sizzling outside slightly crispy, but inside is still pink. The meat used here is very high quality and comes mostly from the Chaco, the northern, sparsely populated part of Paraguay, which was made by Mennonites wirtschaftsfaehig. A very interesting piece of earth that you knew about a lot more secure if I use my two visits there bereits niedergeschrieben haette. Ganz ruhig, kommt noch!
Wie gesagt, es ist wahrlich immer wieder eine Freude, sich den Genuessen des paraguayischen Rinds hinzugeben. Auch die Namensliste fuer die verschiedenen Teile von Rind- und Schweinefleisch ist bemerkenswert. Waehrend ich in Deutschland schon nach Kotelette, Filet und Rippchen so ziemlich mit meinem Fleischerlatein am Ende bin, stosse ich doch ernstlich an meine Grenzen, wenn ich gefragt werde, ob ich nun costillas , matambre , chorizo vom Braford oder doch lieber tapa cuadril vom Ratford Rind probieren moechte. Nachdem ich dann nahezu alles verkostet habe, mein Gastvater mich dann aber darauf hinweist, die besten Stuecke verpasst to have, but every time I come to tears. Whatever the case, I am thrilled each time again and congratulate me, no need to be vegetarian.
the way, I imagine it before but actually quite difficult, as flesh Vera Real or even vegans to come to this country. While better-off families had any major problems with it, I go hard to believe that a majority of the population with incomprehension, and perhaps would even encounter suspicion. Finally, the consumption of cooked meat is an integral part of this culture. Not only is the meat as a very clean (not that the money at all for extensive hormone treatments would be there!) And tasty, rather, the family dinner is also deeply woven into the culture. Now, if a foreigner comes with its strange Extrawuenschen, this can certainly lead to conflict, depending on who since collide.
continue to oppose it openly so that a portion of the host country from. But, the type of family into which they will put an important role. can
During my first two families certainly do not understand the motives of a vegetarian would have it, then my current budget and would be sure SOUL tolerant enough to understand the lifestyle of a "different eater." My host father makes the moment even an Atkins diet, considered by some even in Europe as a new-fashioned nonsense is. About their effectiveness, I would like to address myself here but not further, as this article would never end otherwise.
Another important item of the kitchen next to the Paraguay is the so-called parrilla tatakua (read "tataquá"). This word is how some can already think of the indigenous Guarani language and means fire hole ( tata = fire; kua = hole). This name is quite appropriate since this is a primitive oven is, which is used for a long time as a cooking area and even today, especially in rural areas is utilized.
The principle is simple and effective: you build a hollow hemisphere of brick ( Ladrillos ) that are held together with a clay-cement mixture. How to use hears very capable builders additionally was ash and miel de caña (sugar cane honey), also miel negra (black honey) called. In the latter case it is the still unfiltered molasses, which is an intermediate product in sugar production. Ash and miel see to it that the tatakua retains a certain elasticity and forms at high pressure and temperature fluctuations do not cracks. Inside
is then ignited a fire that heats up the Eco-stove constantly. Once the desired temperature is reached, a Part of the embers and ashes removed with a scraper and replaced by the court to be cooked.
Tatakua - the traditional oven Paraguay
Three dishes are especially pleased and often prepared in this way: first
Sopa Paraguaya (Paraguayan soup) - Anders does what the name perhaps, these are not a stew or even a liquid broth, but rather a kind of savory cake made with eggs, flour, onions, milk and spices. Last but not least, the Paraguayans boast over again for living in the only country where the soup was established. If done well, is one of my absolute sopa Lieblingsspeisen, auch wenn sie recht schwer und etwas fettig ist. Schlecht zubereitet ist sie aber kaum geniessbar.
2. Chipa (Guasu) - Chipas sind donut- bis adventskranzgrosse Ringe aus einem Kaese-Mehl-Milch Mix. Sie werden ueberall auf der Strasse oder an Imbissen zum Verkauf angeboten. Mir persoenlich schmecken sie extrem gut und ich werde versuchen ein Rezept mit nach Deutschland zu nehmen und jemanden finden, der sie mir dann auch backt. Am besten schmecken sie ofenwarm. Weniger Spass macht das Geniessen am naechsten Tag, da sie dann hart und broecklig sind.
Chipa Guasu ( guasu , Guaraní fuer "gross") hingegen ist eine andere Speise, the little in common except the name of regular Chipas added. It is the term for a type of corn cake, which is made mainly with milk. Visually it is easy to confuse with the sopa . Just taste one notices the difference. Chipa Guasu is somehow not at all tasty. Unlike the sopa whose quality of cooking depends on the Guasu can save recipes in my view, hardly. The best thing is to have a taste about nationwide drink to have at hand. At first I even thought sopa and chipa Guasu were identical, except that some were sopa -pieces simply did not succeed as well or even scruffy. The error I have come to realize, however.
third cassava (English " mandioca / yuca "; Guaraní "mandi'o") - The tuberous root of Cassavestrauchs which contains uncooked deadly cyanide is an important part of the local cuisine. It is either boiled or fried like potatoes in the oven as a crispy fries served. In taste they can also be clearly compared with the domestic "Krumbeer" that appear again and again with little tough fibers that should be removed before.
From our little culinary tour we come back to our family round. It was, as already mentioned, a nice meeting with lots of food. When I wanted to go I just stuffed a Samstagnachmittagsschlaefchen, my blood circulation, however, was cheered on by a sudden surge of adrenalin.
were brought out several cakes, which were on each candle. Furthermore, they sang at once "Feliz Cumpleaños" (Happy Birthday) and blow out the candles had my host mom. "Never in my life! The birthday today?" I wondered in alarm. I did not even congratulate her. Super embarrassing! Luckily I had my Facebook open and ran quickly up unnoticed to the PC and looked for the profile of my host mom that I luckily had her set up some time ago. Facebook is really in those things ueberaus hilfreich. Ich sah naemlich, dass sie erst im Oktober Geburtstag hat. Entspannt und laechelnd ging ich dann die Treppe hinunter und machte wieder einen auf den laessigen Typ, der ich bin und liess mir Nachtisch geben. Spaeter erfuhr ich, dass den Muettern wohl zur Feier des Tages ein Lied gesungen wird.
Spaeter am Abend, als alle Gaeste schon gegangen waren, gab ich meiner Gastmutter dann noch ein kleines Geschenk mit einem Briefchen. Sie freute sich sehr und man sah ihr an, dass sie nicht damit gerechnet hatte. Der schoene Moment wurde dann aber von meinem kleinsten Gastbruder unterbrochen, der laut wuergend an uns vorbeirannte, um sich dann auf der Toilette das Festessen nochmals durch den Kopf gehen zu lassen. Er hatte wohl zuviel morcilla, blood sausage, eaten.
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