AFS final report 2 / 2 After a brief reflection, I leave you now burn no more in their own juice and serve you fresh now the second and final part of my AFS final report. Bon appetit!
Some also needs to care are reported. First and foremost, yes AFS Paraguay was responsible for my well being. It must be said that I was hard, at least in regard to my family search, abandoned by AFS in the lurch and therefore almost half a year, not a nice homely environment, although I often tried to come up with my new family into the conversation. The camps abroad were very poor, as it was only shortly before the details and information, especially the data. Sun vacation planning was often difficult and was not taken into account. The low point was that we "weltwärts'ler" should have a separate farewell camp, which meant that our other AFS friends do not finish everything together would be able to see. Fortunately, however, was about to change yet, if only under protest by AFS. Mandatory
were later two weeks of preparation seminar in Germany in which I was able to meet many other German volunteers, also a year im südamerikanischen Ausland verbringen sollten.
In Paraguay angekommen, hatten wir dort ebenfalls noch ein eintägiges Arrival-Camp, das uns mit dem notwendigsten Basiswissen über das Land und die dortigen Sitten versorgte, was uns zuvor in Deutschland eigentlich kaum erklärt wurde. Neben einem zweitägigen Midstay- und einem dreitägigen End-of-Stay Camp, erwarten uns nun noch zwei jeweils dreitägige Returnee-Camps in Deutschland. Letztere emfinde ich allerdings als etwas störend, da ich eine komplette Woche Nachbereitung bevorzugt hätte, anstatt zweimal für drei Tage während der Vorlesungszeit meiner Universität anreisen zu müssen. AFS Deutschland hat die VBs zufriedenstellend organisiert, war während my year abroad, but very slowly and has responsibility for requests often passed on AFS Paraguay, which reacted similarly vice versa.
were also conflicts, certainly, but hardly in relation to my work as they were wont to handler there all very professional and understanding. With my host family there was never actual, open problems, except that I think after my first host mother ate too much and therefore part itself should pay for my food. This is what I did, what the dispute removed. Other, latent conflicts that occurred only in my first two homes were, however, much more difficult to solve. The chemistry was not easy and there was no mutual understanding. I realized over time but also that there was simply no interest on their part to improve our relationship. So I pulled myself either back to my room, went out with friends and plunged into the work.
also the linguistic aspect played an important role in Paraguay. As already mentioned, I ruled the English to start is unlikely. Although I'd taken a group lessons and acquired a few dictionaries, but otherwise I was quite unprepared. It then took revenge in the first few weeks, I understood very little. But the immersion provided in the new culture and language, it soon for the first success and it finally went rapidly uphill. After a few months of English was no longer a problem. Since neither my family nor my job to people with knowledge of English possessed, I was forced from the beginning to work on my English. Overall, my English improved greatly and was towards the end of the year, flowing, so I could read sophisticated literature, although somewhat slower than in English or German. What helped me the mandatory 4-week language course at the beginning, which lasted about 2 more hours on weekdays and other AFSers and I know the basic grammatical principles made.
The response to lack of language skills were very different. My host families were usually very understanding, also if you noticed that, when lack of understanding often courtesy acted as if she had understood me. My colleagues were also usually very compassionate. Unfortunately I was only a very few people improved, as it could be interpreted in general as an insult when alls to stand there. My final and correct host father, however, corrected me quite often, because he knows how it hurts the development of language, not to eliminate existing errors. Many of the children we were looked after, however less complete in their manners and did not return it, mimicking my accent, which I often little angry, but I learned to tolerate, because they will not usually felt angry and I also often referred to as their favorite tutor.
the end it is also crucial to grasp the aspect of development policy during my year at more closely.
As an average German one is not ignorant and knows quite a lot about the global decision problems, has his information but usually only from the media or other experiences. Specifically, I now had the privilege, even a look behind the scenes, press submit to and actively participate in development work. I was able to learn that some issues are essential for successful implementation of the desired goals.
belongs First, a sophisticated planning, da man sonst im Nachhinein zu viele Lücken notgedrungen stopfen muss und so das gesamte Projekt in Qualität und Effektivität leiden würde. Des Weiteren muss auch das Equipment am Stichtag parat liegen, was regelmäßige Inventuren und gewissenhaftes Sortieren erfordert. Außerdem ist ein eingespieltes Team unverzichtbar, das gut miteinander harmoniert, um die praktische Durchführung möglichst reibungslos über die Bühne zu bringen. Auch die Koordination des Leiters ist von großer Bedeutung, damit jeder weiß, was er zu tun hat.
All dies klingt logisch und offensichtlich, war mir aber noch nicht in diesem Maße aus der Praxis bekannt. Insgesamt benötigt Entwicklungsarbeit, wie jede andere Art von Dienstleistungen, good management, in order to function. In this regard, I have so much to learn for my future job, but to be fired without the risk or are under competitive pressure to have.
Although the world of work in Paraguay certainly looks different than in Europe or the USA, so many apparent similarities, the first fall may not be as fast in the eye. For example, there is in every country, even the supposedly rich, still plenty of improvement. The social gap opens at the national and international levels and on. Poor get poorer and the rich ever richer. These are problems that are not within a year, a legislature and probably can not solve a generation. What you can do but to push for an improvement of the status quo and to contribute his share to a more equitable coexistence of different social strata.
Even if I do not the like the well-known and strike often naive world a better tenor, I see it anyway, at just in terms of my final report as a duty, here the importance of a pro-development approach to make that clear.
Simple actions such as recycling, car pooling or appropriate power and water consumption can contribute to the good stuff already protected and are measures that restrict one's life difficult. The fact that this and similar is available anywhere in the world and is also available in almost every corner of our planet are people who ignore the signs of the times, but make an active contribution to the preservation and promotion of our nature and quality of life, research suggests that we are dealing here not with a national phenomenon. In fact, long been globalized policy development and many organizations such as Amnesty International have long been one big network and that they are not only mobile and resource-rich, but fast and effective lobbying can operate to successfully address acute conflicts. Since
including the can benefit from knowledge of the many other experts of an unknown field of work, the common global learning has always proven.
This was true for me because I had insight into the working methods and techniques that I previously knew little attention. Division of labor was one of the most important lessons, as each person has different talents, to recognize it and use apply. A company or boss who ruled that fact can thus achieve a much better result than if he would just give orders without thinking.
was too much at first incomprehensible to me, as decreed that only about three people on my job for a license, which even today in Germany, almost is essential. Soon turned out that in Paraguay the transportation by bus or moped is in no way inferior to the automobile. There was also the previously mentioned division of labor often not of a large mobilization of personnel. For me this was a prime example, that the familiar is not always the only correct or even best solution.
course I will not forget what they have learned or have deteriorated even unused. There are several ways I believe the experience gained at the man to bring. First, there is of course the general conversation, I mean to tell the way, what have I experienced such and the importance of commitment in general is all about. I also could support various organizations such as AFS or Tierranuestra, my former employer, through volunteering, donations, or donations. I also see my blog [ (German) or (English)] as an appropriate medium that was able to reach many people to talk about my work and positive experiences. I also hope that later a number of successful practices that I got to know in Asunción, to implement in my profession. The motivation of colleagues should not be neglected. For the good working climate that prevailed with us, was indeed friendly and relaxed, but at the same time stimulating. That was mostly the result of more satisfied employees who were conscientious and treated with respect by their superiors. Something such as Germany, unfortunately, is still in short supply.
This year is not certainly left its mark on me and has given me many interesting experiences and new friends from all over the world. All this was done through the support of AFS, which lay in the management and practice, but many shortcomings and mistakes of the day, but it is also justified in part, individually, speak to certain individuals was what prompted me to emphasize once again that the basic idea of AFS, namely, intercultural Exchange is a wonderful thing, I can only put each to the heart. Finally, no one does perfectly and I no longer accept the shortcomings bad, but on the contrary would help improve the program.
I'm never very capitalist, I have not before, even full-time employees are in development work. This year was a great experience, but has not caused a complete upheaval of my plans and principles. However, I would like to give something back. Although money on me, just like almost every student, rather scarce, but it would irritate me, as a supervisor in the preparation seminars to be there with you when it's my Studium zulässt.
Abschließend bin ich sehr dankbar für all das, was ich von meinem Jahr in Paraguay mitnehmen kann und hoffe, auch weiterhin davon profitieren und mein Wissen der Allgemeinheit zur Verfügung stellen zu können.
Es war ein Schritt ins Ungewisse damals und ich wollte, offen gesagt, auch mehrmals aufgeben. Selbst den „Brief für einen schwarzen Tag“, der uns als Kraftquelle mitgegeben wurde, hatte ich zuhause vergessen. Doch mit Unterstützung der Menschen, die mir nahestehen und meinem nicht zu unterschätzenden Sturkopf habe ich dann doch durchhalten und sogar Spaß haben können. Deshalb freue ich mich, dass die BRD jungen Menschen wie mir etwas Derartiges ermöglicht and there are clubs like AFS that supports an active and help get the best of themselves.
Thanks for everything, AFS and weltwärts!