the idea of my person and what to expect
As in the book is read I will give you what I tell you this:
-1 . Who am
2.Mein Eve-O life
am 1.So first question about the "who I am" so I am a 18 year old trainee who is now 1 year has been ripped Eve O and still have fun with it. My name is Nick and am Pychofan Corp. "No Open Fire" are known to a few should be through the podcast where I mix with. ^ ^
2.So I will live to tell about my Missirunner but not about so "I've flown degree a missi it made 10 million wuhu. Special whom I'll try to write a post about an exciting missi then a little to let my imagination run wild and make things a little story about ^ ^. time around if I succeed.
So that's now first for whom today are still questions simply write ingame ^ ^ mfg
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