Pure and unadulterated! !
Nach nunmehr längerer Pause stelle ich euch den von der Presse unberührten Originaltext meines Artikels ins Netz, damit ihr sehen könnt, was ich euch eigentlich mitteilen wollte. Auch ist diese Art der Präsentation möglicherweise zugänglicher als der doch etwas umständliche Zeitungsartikel.
Ohne lange Vorrede, weise ich an dieser nur noch einmal darauf hin, dass ich vermutlich noch einen weiteren Artikel hochladen werde, der allerdings noch nicht publiziert wurde. Um meine PR-Agenten nicht unnötig zu verärgern, warte ich aber noch ein wenig damit, auch wenn das heißt euch noch etwas auf die Folter spannen zu müssen.
In diesem Sinne,
euch nur das Beste! Jan
Between Heaven and Hell - A year voluntary service in Paraguay
closing time. A small bus, 50 passengers. Everything is sweating, groaning, waiting eagerly for a cool shower, which the nearly 40 degrees in the shade is sorely needed. And in the midst a young German, has the cunning of nothing but adventure in the distance. We are located in Paraguay, South America, specifically in the capital Asuncion, where I as part of an "other service abroad (ADIA) spent a year working for a non-profit organization. I came here
sponsored by the federal government program "weltwärts" das jungen Erwachsenen ermöglicht, ohne finanzielle Selbstbeteiligung einen AdiA oder ein Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr (FSJ) in einem sozialen Projekt eines anderen Landes zu arbeiten. Man bewirbt sich dafür bei einer der zahlreichen Entsendeorganisationen, die Partnerprojekte vermitteln und einem meist auch das gesamte Jahr betreuend zur Seite stehen. Ich bekam im Frühling 2009 durch den American Field Service (AFS) schließlich einen Platz in Paraguay zugeteilt, den ich dankend annahm.
Seit kurzem bin ich nun wieder zuhause in Deutschland angekommen und kann auf zwölf Monate voll spannender, trauriger und auch verrückter Erlebnisse zurückblicken.
Anfangs hatte ich noch einige Startschwierigkeiten, da ich keinerlei English language and the people there for the most part not understand English. Therefore, in the first few weeks hardly a day went by where I did not march with my big Oxford dictionary through the streets and often had to scroll until long before I could respond to everyday questions. Fortunately, a 4-week course compulsory part of the program where volunteers and other exchange students from all over Europe and has brought me closer in small groups the world language. AFS organizes further also always two preparatory camps in Germany, three orientation camps in the host country as well as two follow up in their home country. Furthermore, we searched for host families, interviewed and selected, so facilitate effective immersion is guaranteed in the new culture.
also in the manners I had initially used to. Urinating in public or spitting is even in areas not necessarily good form, but it is quite normal, no one is upset about. In general, the Paraguayans are also very curious, especially in fair-skinned foreigners. It often happens that one approached on the street or is nachgepfiffen when passing. However, the warmth of its people is there unique, just like the nearly year-round high temperatures. No matter how poor someone is, it still never missing a smile or an invitation to dinner. You may Basically walking down the street of a residential area and just to put a round, and gets most likely to eat too little and drink served. The hospitality has impressed me deeply and I miss it very well now, just as the Germans even considered more rational and reclusive. So it would be here with us almost inconceivable with a stranger who shows up uninvited to share even the steak and beer.
Where we are already eating - this is surprisingly not so different from the German cuisine. Is it any wonder at all the German Mennonites, particularly in the north of the country have their settlements and done so much for economic recovery have. There are especially hearty foods such as rice, pasta, beef, cassava, potato eaten one of the very similar tuber. In general, the dishes are very greasy and calorie-rich. On healthy eating little consideration is taken in what is often also a lack of education and money. Why was no shortage, was the enthusiasm for the World Cup. Never before has the national team of Paraguay, also called "Albirroja" (the Red White) got through to the quarter finals. But even without such services were the hearts of all residents in their kicking countrymen. Patriotism is the guiding much and so it was that many games with wildly gesticulating gestures and curses were viewed, usually in larger groups because it is so much better so celebrates. In addition to moving into the cuartos but was mainly the resignation of arch-rivals Argentina, the absolute highlight for anyone with even a spark of national pride.
In terms of general security, one can say that I was not robbed or mugged, or had ever feared for my life, except for a three-day hospital stay, which had brought me food poisoning. Although there are many soldiers with machine guns on street corners and almost every family has a better-off alarm, but the crime is not as pronounced as in Colombia. Nevertheless, one should always be careful and not to be foolhardy, as a purse can be fast sometimes steals from his pants pocket.
The real reason of my coming, however, was working at the NGO Tierranuestra, which advocates for environmental protection in particular. My duties here were the primary caregivers of children and young people in schools, where we project to improve the quality of life led. We did that with presentations, games and social activities, such as the positioning himself painted trash in the schoolyard or the creation of gardens. My colleagues were always very helpful and helped me, me well into the alien culture settle.
Total I get to experience an incredibly instructive year in which I find also a certain amount of linguistic social skills can take. It strikes me often that I have more patience and not just reject something just because it seems strange to me initially. Also, I have met many very special and wonderful people I will miss very much.
can conclude, I really just anyone who is interested in broadening their horizons, to guess, to embark on the adventure and daring his view "weltwärts" judge. For those who want to read more about my experiences, I have set up a blog (www.janinparaguay.blogspot.com) on which I have throughout the year held on a weekly basis more and more influences. I am aware of new readers.
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