New Magazine "Fascinating Bible
Christians with biblical criticism to read the bible to do is surely a strange concept
Great, finally an understandable magazine dedicated to the Bible. Its goal sounds promising: "The growing love for the Bible. Unlock the treasure of the Bible ... bring the word of God to shine. "(P. 7).
Anyone who has read the 100-page book, has in places but quite irritating ...
... the whole article by Michael Kotsch read: here
Saturday, March 5, 2011
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NT Wright, a guest of the 4th Marburger study days
in time to the fourth Marburger study days society transformation 2011, two published books of the New Testament scholar NT Wright in German translation - The New Testament and the People of God and faith and then? From the transformation of the character ( Francke Buchhandlung ). NT Wright, a former Anglican Bishop of Durham and Professor of New Testament, stands for the "New Paul perspective," which makes the Pauline Rechtfertigunslehre in a new light.
criticism of the New Paul Perspective comes not only from conservative evangelicals, but also by such prominent Jewish scholars such as Jacob Neusner. NT Wright is also with the controversial Marcus Borg very good friends, and brought despite significant theological differences - Borg does not believe in the bodily resurrection of Christ - with him in the book The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions (Plus) out.
According to Wikipedia, "Wright clearly distanced himself from the liberal theology, but also evangelicals shocked by post-modern approaches, or propositions, are the cherished concepts in question" ( here ).
Excellent reviews that deal with NT Wright and the New Paul Perspective, please visit Ron Kubsch website Theo Blog :
carpenter to Rechtfertigunslehre of NT Wright
What Paul is the New Perspective?
Trevin Wax, The debate over the justification: An Introduction . In: belief and thought today 1 / 2009, p.19-24.
in time to the fourth Marburger study days society transformation 2011, two published books of the New Testament scholar NT Wright in German translation - The New Testament and the People of God and faith and then? From the transformation of the character ( Francke Buchhandlung ). NT Wright, a former Anglican Bishop of Durham and Professor of New Testament, stands for the "New Paul perspective," which makes the Pauline Rechtfertigunslehre in a new light.
criticism of the New Paul Perspective comes not only from conservative evangelicals, but also by such prominent Jewish scholars such as Jacob Neusner. NT Wright is also with the controversial Marcus Borg very good friends, and brought despite significant theological differences - Borg does not believe in the bodily resurrection of Christ - with him in the book The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions (Plus) out.
According to Wikipedia, "Wright clearly distanced himself from the liberal theology, but also evangelicals shocked by post-modern approaches, or propositions, are the cherished concepts in question" ( here ).
Excellent reviews that deal with NT Wright and the New Paul Perspective, please visit Ron Kubsch website Theo Blog :
carpenter to Rechtfertigunslehre of NT Wright
What Paul is the New Perspective?
Trevin Wax, The debate over the justification: An Introduction . In: belief and thought today 1 / 2009, p.19-24.
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BFP: speaking in tongues "early signs" of the baptism of the Spirit
the BFP (Association of Pentecostal Churches) aims to ecumenism. In a general meeting of the ACK on 3 March in Berlin, said Pastor Werner Fraas (Stuttgart), a member of the BFP-National Board that the baptism of believers and the power equipment by the Holy Spirit, the Pentecostal movement was important. Here is the prayer in foreign "tongues" (languages) initial sign of Spirit baptism ...
more ...: here
the BFP (Association of Pentecostal Churches) aims to ecumenism. In a general meeting of the ACK on 3 March in Berlin, said Pastor Werner Fraas (Stuttgart), a member of the BFP-National Board that the baptism of believers and the power equipment by the Holy Spirit, the Pentecostal movement was important. Here is the prayer in foreign "tongues" (languages) initial sign of Spirit baptism ...
more ...: here
Why Do Cats Put A Paw On You
Pat Robertson: Prophet without confirmation
The list of false prophecies by Pat Robertson, the opposite of John Paul II in 1995 expressed argued that it "was time, the small differences ( minor differences ) to do aside" and in the same year in the New York Times announce was that "we all want to build bridges with the Catholic Church," is lang:
1982: Robertson the beginning of the tribulation prophesied in the year.
1984, Robertson predicted the start of the tribulation period this year.
1992: Robertson calls out a year of rest for the USA - "A Year of Calm." But on 29 April 1992 riots broke out in Los Angeles. Result: 55 dead, 18,000 arrests, property damage in the amount of 700 million Dollars.
1991: "The Lord said," Robertson that President George HW Bush's re-election in 1993 would decide for themselves.
1992: Once again, "says the Lord" to Robertson to win President George HW Bush, the U.S. elections in 1993 would. But the American people decided otherwise: Bill Clinton is the 42nd in 1993 President of the United States.
1999: Pat Robertson predicted that 1999 would be the most profitable years for the church of Christ, both spiritually and financially. From the year 2000 the world economic and other kind of disaster would be afflicted. All Christen, die fleißig spenden, würden von den Auswirkungen der kommenden Katastrophen verschont bleiben.
2004: Im Januar 2004 sagte Robertson "im Namen des Herrn" voraus, dass die Wiederwahl von Präsident George W. Bush ein Kinderspiel werden würde. Nach einer spannenden Wahl und einem knappen Sieg trat George W. Bush seine zweite Amtszeit an. Immerhin räumte Robertson später in einem Interview mit dem Nachrichtensender CNN ein, dass es sich nicht um Gottes Reden, sondern seine eigenen Gedanken gehandelt hatte.
2007: Pat Robertson prophezeite für das Jahr 2007, dass eine US-amerikanische Großstadt zerstört werden würde.
2008: Für das Jahr 2008 sagte Robertson hohe Ölpreise und Turbulenzen am Finanzmarkt voraus, was tatsächlich eintrat – allerdings gab es viele Stimmen von Finanz- und Wirtschaftsanalysten, die dasselbe voraussagten!
2011: Für das Jahr 2011 sagte Robertson voraus, dass es innerhalb von zwei Jahren zu Unruhen kommt und die Arbeitslosigkeit steigen wird. Allen Christen, die ihre Häuser bezahlt haben, verspricht Robertson, dass sie diese behalten können. Wer jedoch Schulden hat, wird sein Haus verlieren. Der charismatische Fernsehsender CBN (Christian Broadcast Network wurde 1961 von Pat Robertson gegründet) wird jedoch inmitten einer bitteren Zeit und Aufruhr prosperieren. Der nächste US-Präsident will govern an impoverished America. ( here )
In the book The attack on the truth states:
No matter how eloquent, articulate and impressive given the modern prophets, their fruit is far from convincing . Many prophets will rise up tomorrow and give vague, nebulous prophecies that can be interpreted in any way. Many of the prophets, their prophecies that have not been fulfilled, with lame arguments to explain away what will be accepted by their credulous followers easily. Who is against the prophetic Heresy, fraud in the name of God and false prophecies represents, will be considered by many prophets as critical or unspiritual.
to be no prophet can predict is that it will reflect many prophecies, the mighty revivals and mass conversions, a new era of divine activity, the equipment of the faithful (gullible?) With extraordinary divine powers and the triumph a charismatic Christianity predict ...
No one in the charismatic movement, will take responsibility for false prophecies no one is the false prophets Accountable to no one will talk about those that remain disappointed and disillusioned.
Jesus was right when he told his disciples (! Mt 24.11, see also V. 4.5.24) up to "And many false prophets, and shall deceive many." (S.444)
The list of false prophecies by Pat Robertson, the opposite of John Paul II in 1995 expressed argued that it "was time, the small differences ( minor differences ) to do aside" and in the same year in the New York Times announce was that "we all want to build bridges with the Catholic Church," is lang:
1982: Robertson the beginning of the tribulation prophesied in the year.
1984, Robertson predicted the start of the tribulation period this year.
1992: Robertson calls out a year of rest for the USA - "A Year of Calm." But on 29 April 1992 riots broke out in Los Angeles. Result: 55 dead, 18,000 arrests, property damage in the amount of 700 million Dollars.
1991: "The Lord said," Robertson that President George HW Bush's re-election in 1993 would decide for themselves.
1992: Once again, "says the Lord" to Robertson to win President George HW Bush, the U.S. elections in 1993 would. But the American people decided otherwise: Bill Clinton is the 42nd in 1993 President of the United States.
1999: Pat Robertson predicted that 1999 would be the most profitable years for the church of Christ, both spiritually and financially. From the year 2000 the world economic and other kind of disaster would be afflicted. All Christen, die fleißig spenden, würden von den Auswirkungen der kommenden Katastrophen verschont bleiben.
2004: Im Januar 2004 sagte Robertson "im Namen des Herrn" voraus, dass die Wiederwahl von Präsident George W. Bush ein Kinderspiel werden würde. Nach einer spannenden Wahl und einem knappen Sieg trat George W. Bush seine zweite Amtszeit an. Immerhin räumte Robertson später in einem Interview mit dem Nachrichtensender CNN ein, dass es sich nicht um Gottes Reden, sondern seine eigenen Gedanken gehandelt hatte.
2007: Pat Robertson prophezeite für das Jahr 2007, dass eine US-amerikanische Großstadt zerstört werden würde.
2008: Für das Jahr 2008 sagte Robertson hohe Ölpreise und Turbulenzen am Finanzmarkt voraus, was tatsächlich eintrat – allerdings gab es viele Stimmen von Finanz- und Wirtschaftsanalysten, die dasselbe voraussagten!
2011: Für das Jahr 2011 sagte Robertson voraus, dass es innerhalb von zwei Jahren zu Unruhen kommt und die Arbeitslosigkeit steigen wird. Allen Christen, die ihre Häuser bezahlt haben, verspricht Robertson, dass sie diese behalten können. Wer jedoch Schulden hat, wird sein Haus verlieren. Der charismatische Fernsehsender CBN (Christian Broadcast Network wurde 1961 von Pat Robertson gegründet) wird jedoch inmitten einer bitteren Zeit und Aufruhr prosperieren. Der nächste US-Präsident will govern an impoverished America. ( here )
In the book The attack on the truth states:
No matter how eloquent, articulate and impressive given the modern prophets, their fruit is far from convincing . Many prophets will rise up tomorrow and give vague, nebulous prophecies that can be interpreted in any way. Many of the prophets, their prophecies that have not been fulfilled, with lame arguments to explain away what will be accepted by their credulous followers easily. Who is against the prophetic Heresy, fraud in the name of God and false prophecies represents, will be considered by many prophets as critical or unspiritual.
to be no prophet can predict is that it will reflect many prophecies, the mighty revivals and mass conversions, a new era of divine activity, the equipment of the faithful (gullible?) With extraordinary divine powers and the triumph a charismatic Christianity predict ...
No one in the charismatic movement, will take responsibility for false prophecies no one is the false prophets Accountable to no one will talk about those that remain disappointed and disillusioned.
Jesus was right when he told his disciples (! Mt 24.11, see also V. 4.5.24) up to "And many false prophets, and shall deceive many." (S.444)
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Due to declining numbers of worshipers, the Christian community tried by new "socially relevant" offers its members hold or acquire new. So the drive was in community. A Church attendance can be done in three minutes. Of course the offer of Drive In community is tailored to the modern man - you have to eventually move with the times. The offer is aimed of course to the needs of the new Drive In -Christians. The latter determine which word of the Bible they want to hear - simply switch on the desired order scriptures in order to be read shortly by a friendly pastor. And of course, also for the physical well taken care of the visitors - now a salad on the spot "Garden of Eden" or other tasty dishes eat or take home with you, no problem. The parking lot of Drive In community also provides enough space to fellowship with other visitors Drive In cultivate community.
But convince yourself:
see also: What if Starbucks Marketed Like a Church? A Parable .
Due to declining numbers of worshipers, the Christian community tried by new "socially relevant" offers its members hold or acquire new. So the drive was in community. A Church attendance can be done in three minutes. Of course the offer of Drive In community is tailored to the modern man - you have to eventually move with the times. The offer is aimed of course to the needs of the new Drive In -Christians. The latter determine which word of the Bible they want to hear - simply switch on the desired order scriptures in order to be read shortly by a friendly pastor. And of course, also for the physical well taken care of the visitors - now a salad on the spot "Garden of Eden" or other tasty dishes eat or take home with you, no problem. The parking lot of Drive In community also provides enough space to fellowship with other visitors Drive In cultivate community.
But convince yourself:
see also: What if Starbucks Marketed Like a Church? A Parable .
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Luther on false teachers
Where the word is right and fine, not because the wolves outside
Martin Luther Matthew 7.15-23 remain:
So the Lord wills, that we keep only the word and we are not the same should be drained away. But the word is opposite that we are to hate and flee, as the devil himself why no one should feel comfortable sleep. For it will not be missing (as said before) where the word is right and fine, because the wolves do not remain outside, but surely come. As you can see the, first place in the church, then in secular government and households. Everywhere is mixing in the wolf, if he us from word break and could do damage. The Christian Church has the right, pure word of God, this is not the devil, they can stay out all sorts of fanatics herrein that bring about the baptism, the sacrament of Christ, of Christ himself something new to us than others, the Leute dadurch Irre machen und verführen. Und wo sich solche Schwärmer finden, haben wir, als heillose, vorwitzige Leute, die Unart an uns, sobald wir etwas Neues hören, daß wir sofort darauf fallen, fallen vom Wort, und gaffen solchen Rotten und Schwärmern auch noch nach.
Where the word is right and fine, not because the wolves outside
Martin Luther Matthew 7.15-23 remain:
So the Lord wills, that we keep only the word and we are not the same should be drained away. But the word is opposite that we are to hate and flee, as the devil himself why no one should feel comfortable sleep. For it will not be missing (as said before) where the word is right and fine, because the wolves do not remain outside, but surely come. As you can see the, first place in the church, then in secular government and households. Everywhere is mixing in the wolf, if he us from word break and could do damage. The Christian Church has the right, pure word of God, this is not the devil, they can stay out all sorts of fanatics herrein that bring about the baptism, the sacrament of Christ, of Christ himself something new to us than others, the Leute dadurch Irre machen und verführen. Und wo sich solche Schwärmer finden, haben wir, als heillose, vorwitzige Leute, die Unart an uns, sobald wir etwas Neues hören, daß wir sofort darauf fallen, fallen vom Wort, und gaffen solchen Rotten und Schwärmern auch noch nach.
Da gehört nun diese Warnung besonders hin. Als sollte Christus sagen: Die falschen Propheten werden nicht außen bleiben, sondern gewiß zu euch kommen, und dazu mit einem schönen, gleißenden Schein, daß ihr denken werdet, ihr habt euer ganzes Leben noch nie eine bessere Predigt gehört; werdet also dahin fallen, wie das unzeitige Obst, wenn der Wind daher kommt.
the entire comment Luther read: here
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Does the Dalai Lama Peace?
Martin Kamphuis
Does the Dalai Lama really contribute to world peace, "The Kalachakra ritual promotes an ethic? of peace, tolerance and harmony in individuals and between people of different cultures and religions. " It was said in the announcements for inauguration ceremony of the "Kalachakra" - Tantric ritual. 2002 in Graz probably the first ritual of this kind was celebrated in Europe. With a mandala made of fine colored Sand to the secrets of male deity Kalachakra, "and the related doctrine be revealed. Even non-Buddhists should participate ...
more ...: Download here
speeches and other writings of Martin and Elke Kamphuis free: here
Martin Kamphuis
Does the Dalai Lama really contribute to world peace, "The Kalachakra ritual promotes an ethic? of peace, tolerance and harmony in individuals and between people of different cultures and religions. " It was said in the announcements for inauguration ceremony of the "Kalachakra" - Tantric ritual. 2002 in Graz probably the first ritual of this kind was celebrated in Europe. With a mandala made of fine colored Sand to the secrets of male deity Kalachakra, "and the related doctrine be revealed. Even non-Buddhists should participate ...
more ...: Download here
speeches and other writings of Martin and Elke Kamphuis free: here
Friday, March 4, 2011
Repainting My Football
Tony Blair as a guest at Rick Warren
The importance of cooperation among all religions
Tony Blair founded in May 2008, the Foundation Tony Blair Faith Foundation it has set itself the goal of unity and peace between all to create world religions. In July 2009, Blair also established the Faith and Globalisation Initiative to facilitate a global dialogue of the elite universities in the world. Blair, who converted to Catholicism in 2007 (but, despite his Catholic faith, a supporter of abortion), sees in his vision, unity and peace to enable all relgion, a life's work. Blair wants to move the followers of all religions to join forces against poverty and disease and for a better world to fight. "That would show faith in action, it would show the importance of cooperation among all religions, and it could show what can the faith of progress, "Blair said.
Rick Warren, at the meet the objectives of Tony Blair on open ears, Rick Warren is now in his congregation, Saddleback Church has invited . Blair will speak there on 6 March 2011 on the theme "Peace in a globalized society." ( here )
henceforth became known that John Piper, who started last year, the criticism of conservative evangelicals moved on as if he had invited Rick Warren to speak at its annual Desiring God Conference 2010, on 1 May 2011 in Rick Warren's Saddleback Church talk is.
And Source:
Tony Blair: I want to spend my life uniting faiths
Ingrid Schlueter: Beware the Bridgers
Jennifer Pekich: Rick Warren Daniel Plan - Personal experiences in the Saddleback Church
Rick Warren's global peace plan and his social gospel
Agenda 21 (a development and environmental action program to the UN for the 21st century)
The importance of cooperation among all religions
Tony Blair founded in May 2008, the Foundation Tony Blair Faith Foundation it has set itself the goal of unity and peace between all to create world religions. In July 2009, Blair also established the Faith and Globalisation Initiative to facilitate a global dialogue of the elite universities in the world. Blair, who converted to Catholicism in 2007 (but, despite his Catholic faith, a supporter of abortion), sees in his vision, unity and peace to enable all relgion, a life's work. Blair wants to move the followers of all religions to join forces against poverty and disease and for a better world to fight. "That would show faith in action, it would show the importance of cooperation among all religions, and it could show what can the faith of progress, "Blair said.
Rick Warren, at the meet the objectives of Tony Blair on open ears, Rick Warren is now in his congregation, Saddleback Church has invited . Blair will speak there on 6 March 2011 on the theme "Peace in a globalized society." ( here )
henceforth became known that John Piper, who started last year, the criticism of conservative evangelicals moved on as if he had invited Rick Warren to speak at its annual Desiring God Conference 2010, on 1 May 2011 in Rick Warren's Saddleback Church talk is.
And Source:
Tony Blair: I want to spend my life uniting faiths
Ingrid Schlueter: Beware the Bridgers
Jennifer Pekich: Rick Warren Daniel Plan - Personal experiences in the Saddleback Church
Rick Warren's global peace plan and his social gospel
Agenda 21 (a development and environmental action program to the UN for the 21st century)
Nud Audible Only Alarm Defini
Just like that ...
I found from last year a couple of nice photos , and since there is very foggy and cloudy, which is a bissi lightens the soul and anticipation for the spring: o)
The first photo is shot by my work out, the most beautiful place in all of Bremen.
the Weser, the marina and back, one sees the overturned dresser .
I found from last year a couple of nice photos , and since there is very foggy and cloudy, which is a bissi lightens the soul and anticipation for the spring: o)
The first photo is shot by my work out, the most beautiful place in all of Bremen.
the Weser, the marina and back, one sees the overturned dresser .
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Bible Versus For Relaxation
evangelicals, Billy Graham and the Mormon
Baptist Richard Land called the Mormon faith as a fourth Abrahamic faith
For some time it comes into the United States to a rapprochement between Mormons (Church of the Latter-day Saints) and evangelicals. Recently, the Book of Mormon Robert Millet A Different Jesus? (? Another Jesus the Christ of Latter-day Saints) The Christ of the Latter Day Saints published - an apology (defense) of the theology of the Mormons. The Richard Mouw of Fuller seminary Neoevangelikale wrote the preface and afterword to this book. Among other things, Mouw writes:
"I predict read that some evangelicals it and come to believe to be the Mormons are not as heretical as anticipated ... I believe that an open-minded Christian reader of this book will feel that Bob Millet is actually the Jesus of the Bible familiar to what his As for healing. At least that is my sentiment
The evangelicals Dr. James White commented on the statements Mouws rightly very critical:
. "Added Richard Mouw apologized not only for us narrow-minded people as witnesses to the true God, the true Christ and true Gospel evangelism for decades among the Mormons, but he has also managed to put a, a Trojan horse of the [Mormon] apologetics ", which the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, the principle alone Scripture (sola Scriptura), justification by grace through faith alone ... the finished redemptive work of Christ denies the Cross - and he has made it that this book is now available at your Christian bookstore "
But not only the Neoevangelikale Richard Mouw, but also of the Baptist Dr. Richard Land (Southern Baptist Convention ) said in an interview.: "I think that's the kindest verdict of a evangelical Christians about the Mormons that they have faith consider the Mormons a fourth Abrahamic faith can "( here ). This follows Dr. Richard Land of the known representatives of the Emerging Church, Brian McLaren, who classifies the Mormons in addition to Judaism, Islam and Christianity as well as a fourth Abrahamic faith.
Now also met Billy Graham with the famous Mormon Glenn Beck. The meeting was a private meeting between Graham and Beck and lasted three hours. Also, Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, was present at the meeting, which ended with a prayer.
Glenn Beck said after his meeting with Billy Graham: "While no one of us the sacrifice can do what we believe personally, we must stand together with all who believe in God and are convinced that God every individual the right to life, liberty and the pursuit has been to be happy. "
Leith Anderson, president of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), announced that he hoped the dialogue with the Mormons next March will lead to a deeper understanding of the Mormon faith . Anderson also wants to explore common ground for cooperation between evangelicals and Mormons.
The official Mormon doctrine is incompatible with the biblical Christology. The following statement is from a website of the Mormons:
"Play for the first time that Lucifer and our Lord [Jesus Christ] are brothers may be surprised - especially all the people, the revelations of the Church of the Latter-day not know. But both acknowledge the scriptures and the prophets, Jesus Christ and Lucifer are actually from the family of our Heavenly Father, and therefore brothers in spirit. "( here )
One must ask the question whether in future now among evangelicals, the divinity of the person of Jesus Christ be submitted for discussion is.
SBC's Richard Land says Mormonism Fourth Abrahamic Faith .
Glenn Beck Meets With Billy Graham .
see also the following English language video The Bible Versus The Book of Mormon:
Baptist Richard Land called the Mormon faith as a fourth Abrahamic faith
For some time it comes into the United States to a rapprochement between Mormons (Church of the Latter-day Saints) and evangelicals. Recently, the Book of Mormon Robert Millet A Different Jesus? (? Another Jesus the Christ of Latter-day Saints) The Christ of the Latter Day Saints published - an apology (defense) of the theology of the Mormons. The Richard Mouw of Fuller seminary Neoevangelikale wrote the preface and afterword to this book. Among other things, Mouw writes:
"I predict read that some evangelicals it and come to believe to be the Mormons are not as heretical as anticipated ... I believe that an open-minded Christian reader of this book will feel that Bob Millet is actually the Jesus of the Bible familiar to what his As for healing. At least that is my sentiment
The evangelicals Dr. James White commented on the statements Mouws rightly very critical:
. "Added Richard Mouw apologized not only for us narrow-minded people as witnesses to the true God, the true Christ and true Gospel evangelism for decades among the Mormons, but he has also managed to put a, a Trojan horse of the [Mormon] apologetics ", which the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, the principle alone Scripture (sola Scriptura), justification by grace through faith alone ... the finished redemptive work of Christ denies the Cross - and he has made it that this book is now available at your Christian bookstore "
But not only the Neoevangelikale Richard Mouw, but also of the Baptist Dr. Richard Land (Southern Baptist Convention ) said in an interview.: "I think that's the kindest verdict of a evangelical Christians about the Mormons that they have faith consider the Mormons a fourth Abrahamic faith can "( here ). This follows Dr. Richard Land of the known representatives of the Emerging Church, Brian McLaren, who classifies the Mormons in addition to Judaism, Islam and Christianity as well as a fourth Abrahamic faith.
Now also met Billy Graham with the famous Mormon Glenn Beck. The meeting was a private meeting between Graham and Beck and lasted three hours. Also, Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, was present at the meeting, which ended with a prayer.
Glenn Beck said after his meeting with Billy Graham: "While no one of us the sacrifice can do what we believe personally, we must stand together with all who believe in God and are convinced that God every individual the right to life, liberty and the pursuit has been to be happy. "
Leith Anderson, president of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), announced that he hoped the dialogue with the Mormons next March will lead to a deeper understanding of the Mormon faith . Anderson also wants to explore common ground for cooperation between evangelicals and Mormons.
The official Mormon doctrine is incompatible with the biblical Christology. The following statement is from a website of the Mormons:
"Play for the first time that Lucifer and our Lord [Jesus Christ] are brothers may be surprised - especially all the people, the revelations of the Church of the Latter-day not know. But both acknowledge the scriptures and the prophets, Jesus Christ and Lucifer are actually from the family of our Heavenly Father, and therefore brothers in spirit. "( here )
One must ask the question whether in future now among evangelicals, the divinity of the person of Jesus Christ be submitted for discussion is.
SBC's Richard Land says Mormonism Fourth Abrahamic Faith .
Glenn Beck Meets With Billy Graham .
see also the following English language video The Bible Versus The Book of Mormon:
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
What Can I Use To Grow Back Hair On My Dog
This spring, Strauss ...
And so is my
"Le jeu de la brodeuse d'apres le jeu de l'Oise"
rest a little and only at Easter
I will post again and show how it goes.
So until then!
...hab ich eigentlich am 21. Februar einstellen wollen.
Aber, irgendwie sollte es nicht sein.
Sehnenscheidenentzündung am linken Arm, da hält man diesen von ganz alleine ruhig.
Zwei Jahre besteht der Blog nun schon, wie die Zeit vergeht!
Und ich freue mich immer wieder, wenn Ihr vorbeischaut und wir uns über unser gemeinsammes Hobby austauschen.
Ein Glück das ich meine Teile für's Gänsespiel schon vorher fertig hatte.
Eineinhalbe Runde ist geschafft.
Ein kleines ABC, was mich besonders freut!
sind manche Kreuzchen nur halb gestickt.
Bei der Rückrunde wird das erledigt und somit habe ich eine schönere Rückseite.
verschiedene Blumen und Blätter...
hoop ...
and embroiderer ...
rabbit, different hearts in red and ecru embroidered are already
and many other motives come to
so it can be a great game cloth.
hoop ...
and embroiderer ...
rabbit, different hearts in red and ecru embroidered are already
and many other motives come to
so it can be a great game cloth.
But, as always after the "great days" so begins the Lent
and like almost every year I am participating in
"7 weeks"
and like almost every year I am participating in
"7 weeks"
A little time and reflection on other things.
And the slogan "I did it! Seven weeks with no excuse," I think it's great.
's see how I caught myself with excuses in my environment and I am the way I deal with it.
And so is my
"Le jeu de la brodeuse d'apres le jeu de l'Oise"
rest a little and only at Easter
I will post again and show how it goes.
So until then!
Blog Feet Nylon Telecharger
U.S. pastor admits to his homosexuality
The now 52-year-old charismatic pastor Jim Swilley founded 25 years ago Rockdale County Church, which developed over the years into a mega church. Swilley known, that he felt drawn since childhood to homosexuality. Swilley, who was married with four children, admits now that his wife had shared this secret with him for 21 years. His wife Debye, which is now divorced from him, said her husband that it was time to end this life of lies and follow the motto under which he put his service and his community: "Real people who have a real God in a real world experience. "Pastor Swilley learns much understanding and support from his community. Criticism came, the pastor, only from conservative groups.
accumulate Recently the confessions of same-sex couples in "Christian" circles in the United States. Jay Bakker, the Emerging Church is allocated, founded the Church Revolution. For Bakker, the son of the famous Pentecostal preacher and television evangelist Jim Bakker, who was convicted in 1989 because of financial and sex scandal to 45 years in prison, homosexuality is neither a sin nor incompatible with a genuine change in the faith ( here ). The Christian singer Jennifer Knapp outed himself in Larry King Live as long Lesbin and said a conservative Christian on camera that it does not have the right to condemn them, and that each person has their may represent perspective on this issue.
now appears in American evangelicalism finally the debate about the pros and cons of being broken out of homosexuality. We may assume that this discussion will take place in the near future in the Old World. The mainline Protestantism in North America and Europe has been largely in favor of alternative forms of life and against a ban on homosexuality. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), for example, in 2009 in favor of same-sex partnerships ( here ). Nadia Bolz-Weber , ordained minister of the ELCA, said, even favored, yet to be tolerant in matters of sexuality. She pleads for the acceptance of "queer " Christians. The word queer stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people - also known as the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual). In other words, the issue of sexuality, anything goes.
The new pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Service Act allows same-sex unions this year of their pastors. Michael servants of the Church President Gnadau Gemeinschaftsverbandes, ruft zwar zu einer "biblisch klaren Stellung" in der Frage der Homosexualität auf, kritisiert aber zugleich die "Fundamentalisten," die ihre Position klar vertreten. Diener sagte: "Wir als Evangelikale sagen: Jesus liebt die Homosexuellen, aber nicht ihre Bindung. Was machen wir dann? Und wie empfinden das Menschen, die es sind? Christen müssten sich dieser Frage anders stellen als sie es zu einer Zeit taten, als die Mehrheit der Gesellschaft unseren Standpunkt teilte. Gerade in Sachen Homosexualität müssten Christen ihre Argumentation überprüfen und dafür sorgen, dass sie in der Sache biblisch klar, aber in Liebe geschieht." Diener ist überzeugt: "Da just fundamentalists lot of catching up. For any deviation from one's opinion does indeed, as uncertainty of their own faith. "( here ) called
Although Pastor Holdinghausen of the FEG recently to a radical rethinking of the issue of homosexuality had, it remains, according to press spokesman for the FEG in which in 2004 adopted document of the FEG on homosexuality. ( here )
May we in the German speaking soon with a similar wave count of persons as "evangelicals" the "courage to publicly ? To confess their homosexuality "
more articles on the topic:
Rick Warren: Apologetic Weekend Conference 2010
Jimmy Carter: U.S. is ready for gay president
Benedict Peters: Tolerance - love and interviewed truth
The now 52-year-old charismatic pastor Jim Swilley founded 25 years ago Rockdale County Church, which developed over the years into a mega church. Swilley known, that he felt drawn since childhood to homosexuality. Swilley, who was married with four children, admits now that his wife had shared this secret with him for 21 years. His wife Debye, which is now divorced from him, said her husband that it was time to end this life of lies and follow the motto under which he put his service and his community: "Real people who have a real God in a real world experience. "Pastor Swilley learns much understanding and support from his community. Criticism came, the pastor, only from conservative groups.
accumulate Recently the confessions of same-sex couples in "Christian" circles in the United States. Jay Bakker, the Emerging Church is allocated, founded the Church Revolution. For Bakker, the son of the famous Pentecostal preacher and television evangelist Jim Bakker, who was convicted in 1989 because of financial and sex scandal to 45 years in prison, homosexuality is neither a sin nor incompatible with a genuine change in the faith ( here ). The Christian singer Jennifer Knapp outed himself in Larry King Live as long Lesbin and said a conservative Christian on camera that it does not have the right to condemn them, and that each person has their may represent perspective on this issue.
now appears in American evangelicalism finally the debate about the pros and cons of being broken out of homosexuality. We may assume that this discussion will take place in the near future in the Old World. The mainline Protestantism in North America and Europe has been largely in favor of alternative forms of life and against a ban on homosexuality. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), for example, in 2009 in favor of same-sex partnerships ( here ). Nadia Bolz-Weber , ordained minister of the ELCA, said, even favored, yet to be tolerant in matters of sexuality. She pleads for the acceptance of "queer " Christians. The word queer stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people - also known as the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual). In other words, the issue of sexuality, anything goes.
The new pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Service Act allows same-sex unions this year of their pastors. Michael servants of the Church President Gnadau Gemeinschaftsverbandes, ruft zwar zu einer "biblisch klaren Stellung" in der Frage der Homosexualität auf, kritisiert aber zugleich die "Fundamentalisten," die ihre Position klar vertreten. Diener sagte: "Wir als Evangelikale sagen: Jesus liebt die Homosexuellen, aber nicht ihre Bindung. Was machen wir dann? Und wie empfinden das Menschen, die es sind? Christen müssten sich dieser Frage anders stellen als sie es zu einer Zeit taten, als die Mehrheit der Gesellschaft unseren Standpunkt teilte. Gerade in Sachen Homosexualität müssten Christen ihre Argumentation überprüfen und dafür sorgen, dass sie in der Sache biblisch klar, aber in Liebe geschieht." Diener ist überzeugt: "Da just fundamentalists lot of catching up. For any deviation from one's opinion does indeed, as uncertainty of their own faith. "( here ) called
Although Pastor Holdinghausen of the FEG recently to a radical rethinking of the issue of homosexuality had, it remains, according to press spokesman for the FEG in which in 2004 adopted document of the FEG on homosexuality. ( here )
May we in the German speaking soon with a similar wave count of persons as "evangelicals" the "courage to publicly ? To confess their homosexuality "
more articles on the topic:
Rick Warren: Apologetic Weekend Conference 2010
Jimmy Carter: U.S. is ready for gay president
Benedict Peters: Tolerance - love and interviewed truth
Tooth Sensitivity During Menstruation
It was an old apple tree ...
... so now he's gone. A colleague helped us because he has the tools and knowledge to cut down trees. The apple tree was already partly hollow, and every storm it has not opened a branch. Normally, the previous lessee
would still have to remove it.
is now only a stump left, and the root. We would like to dig up the roots as close to another tree to be planted. Now the question is do we do it only with our bodies use?
... so now he's gone. A colleague helped us because he has the tools and knowledge to cut down trees. The apple tree was already partly hollow, and every storm it has not opened a branch. Normally, the previous lessee
would still have to remove it.
is now only a stump left, and the root. We would like to dig up the roots as close to another tree to be planted. Now the question is do we do it only with our bodies use?
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Kate Playground Right Foot
10 Questions for John MacArthur
Tim Challies John MacArthur
Tim Challies asked the readers of his blog in early 2011 to questions that he could be addressed to John MacArthur. He selected the best 10 questions and was pleased with the willingness of John MacArthur, in detail address these issues. The questions concerned, inter alia, on his new book slave , the best translations of the Bible, the avoidance of scandal, the challenges of the service and lessons that John MacArthur has even learned in the course of his ministry. Challies also spoke with MacArthur about time management, criticism of people out of the own stock, "theological crisis, charismatic representatives of the Calvinist camp, and Christians who reject a literal creation of 6 days.
Challies: slave (a slave). What is this word so special that you can write a whole book about it?
MacArthur: Sometimes a word can make a huge difference. For example, the Latin Vulgate translated the word metanoia (repentance, repentance) with paenitentia (penance, penance) to passages like Acts 2:38, which led to all sorts of problems in the Roman Catholic Church.
The image of a slave is an important part of writing. Indeed, the believers in the Old and New Testament hundreds of times are called "slaves." Nevertheless, the American Blind community is important for this issue because most English Bible translations translate the word "servant."
While it is true that the duties of slaves and servants are to overlap to some degree, there is a central difference between the two words are hired servants, slaves are property. Servants can freely decide to whom and what they want to work. The idea of servitude includes up to a certain degree of autonomy and personal rights. Slaves have no freedom on the other hand, no autonomy, no rights . In the Greco-Roman world had people Slaves, one from a legal perspective as things looked rather than people. Meant to be a slave to be the possession of a person you had to obey without hesitation or contradiction.
This reality has important implications for our understanding of the Gospel. The call of Christ to follow Him, is not only an invitation to be his partner, but it includes a mandate to become his slave. This message is needed above all in American society where the human-centered gospel and the good feelings of cheap grace has become so popular . But how far are we from the biblical reality - a reality you again in the spotlight must, by translating this one word correctly: ". slave"
In the past I have written many books that dealt with the right understanding of the Gospel The Gospel According to Jesus, The Gospel According to the Apostles, Hard to Believe etc. But as I noted in the preface to my book slave , there is no doubt that the persistent lack of an essential element Revelation New Testament much to the confusion in the evangelical teaching and evangelical action has resulted. In fact, I wonder if this was not the reason I looked crowded, so viele Bücher zu schreiben, um Klarheit über das Evangelium zu bringen. Wäre diese Realität bekannt gewesen, wäre es dann überhaupt nötig gewesen, alle diese Bücher zu schreiben?
Ich sehe darin ein vitales, wichtiges Thema mit weitreichenden Auswirkungen, wie das Evangelium verstanden, gepredigt und gelebt werden sollte.
Challies: Im Lichte dessen, was Sie in Ihrem Buch Slave schreiben, was die richtige Übersetzung von doulos (Sklave) angeht, welche Bibelübersetzung bevorzugen Sie? Ist die richtige Übersetzung des Wortes ein ausreichender Grund, für welche Übersetzung wir uns entscheiden sollten?
MacArthur: I am grateful for the excellent English translations like the NASB, NKJV and ESV. But I would have liked to see the Old Testament and New Testament word ebed doulos translated with the word slave. And I am glad that some do new translations of the Bible as the Holman Christian Standard Bible this.
I have done with a larger publishing some discussion as to whether you can change your Bible so that they doulos the truth about (slave) in the New Testament reflects. You told me that they want to discuss this point in their translation committee. But I do not know which end to take it.
While I do not expect to replace many communities their Bible translations because of the subject for another, I hope that pastors - where they preach on a text that contains the word doulos - take your time and your audience is , teach what the word really. I hope they do their homework in Greek and not just rely on the English text. If the Lord willing, the book Slave for it will be a help in this regard.
Challies: How manages to be spared a preacher of your awareness, of scandals and ruin to remain in a society of self-centeredness and selfishness? How do you protect yourself, and how to protect yourself other preachers?
MacArthur: The key to avoid scandals, is a lifestyle of integrity. If you live with integrity and have a clear conscience, then you never have to worry that it could be a scandal - because in their basement are no bodies buried. In the eyes of the people to be impeccably begins, so that they may walk blameless before the Lord.
As important as it is, a good reputation in the community zu bewahren, so ist es Tausend Mal wichtiger, auf den eigenen Charakter zu achten. Der vordringlichste Kampfplatz im Ringen um Integrität ist Ihr eigenes Denken. Dort wird alles verloren oder alles gewonnen. Und wenn Sie dort verloren haben, ist Ihr Charakter bereits ruiniert. Dann ist es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis Ihr Ruf geschädigt ist, denn ein schlechter Baum kann keine gute Frucht hervorbringen.
Einfach gesagt, wenn Sie sich um den Kampf im Innern bemühen, können Sie Gott vertrauen, dass er sich um Ihren Ruf in der Gemeinschaft draußen kümmert.
Während es sicherlich hilfreich ist, Rechenschaft vor anderen gottesfürchtigen Menschen abzulegen (Fellow elder, family members, etc.), it is far more helpful to remember that one is held responsible before God and that there will be a future court . You can be surrounded by many people one is accountable. But if you lose your heart in the struggle for accountability to God, then you'll come out to the outside never won. The real battle will take place in the hearts and conscience.
Challies: If you look back over the many years of your service, which was the biggest challenge you had to exist, and how God has used this in your service?
MacArthur: My years in the Grace Community Church had a wonderful time. Any difficulties that presented themselves to me, were low compared to the countless blessings and joys. Nevertheless, the service has not been without challenges. For example, when I was in Grace Community Church started my service, I immediately recognized the need to select God-fearing men and train them so they formed a body of elders. This was a long process and extended over many years, but I knew it was a negotiated biblical priority, and it was an investment that has since invaluable erwiesen hat .
Unsere Ältestenschaft hat seit dieser Zeit immer wieder vor Herausforderungen gestanden. Zeitweise gab es Personen, die versuchten, Spaltungen hervorzurufen oder die aus unbiblischen Gründen die Gemeinde verließen. Solche Dinge können sehr schmerzhaft und schwierig sein, insbesondere in der Situation selbst. Aber am Ende haben wir immer Gottes Treue erkannt. Ferner haben solche Situationen meine Liebe für meine Mitältesten vertieft, was mir zeigte, wie wichtig es ist, dass eine Vielzahl gottesfürchtiger Männer eine Gemeinde leitet.
Aber um Ihre Frage noch direkter zu beantworten, ich glaube, dass die größte Herausforderung jedes Predigers in his service in it is that it persistently, especially in this day and age the word of God remains faithful. There's always this temptation to tickle the ears of the listener to follow trends or casual work around with the Bible study. But because pastors are called to preach the true word, they must resist these temptations, and they have to do it week after week.
If a pastor devotes himself faithfully to the study and proclamation of God's word, is nothing but a greater influence on his life and ministry than this. He will be blessed not only because his soul is nourished resistant; but his people will grow because there is nothing in their lives gibt, was relevanter oder notwendiger ist für ihr geistliches Wachstum als die reine Milch des Wortes.
Manchmal werden Pastoren müde in ihrem Dienst, insbesondere wenn sie lange in einer Gemeinde bleiben. Aber der Schlüssel, diese Ermattung im Dienst zu verhindern, liegt in der persönlichen geistlichen Erneuerung. Wenn Sie zuerst Ihr eigenes Herz erfüllen, so dass Ihre Verkündigung für die geistlichen Dinge brennend und lebendig ist, dann können Sie erwarten, dass Ihre Gemeinde für geistliche Dinge ebenso lebendig sein wird. Solch ein Brennen kommt natürlich vor allem durch Ihr eigenes konzentriertes Studium des Wortes Gottes. Und hier ist ein wichtiger Schlüssel: Studieren Sie nicht, to prepare sermons, you study, so that you know the truth, so you can enjoy the glory and grace of God and for you to do God's will . Sermons should never be the main goal of our Bible studies, sermons should merely an emanation of it. If you study the Bible, you are looking for an accurate understanding of who God is and what he expected - first of all it's about your devotion and holiness . And then, from this wealth, you teach people and encourage them to follow you as you follow Christ.
Challies: If you once again as the man that you are now, could start from scratch, und dem Mann, der Sie damals waren einen Rat geben könnten, als sie ihren Dienst in der Grace Community Church antraten, welchen Rat würden Sie geben?
MacArthur: Ich würde wahrscheinlich die weisen Worte meines Vaters weitergeben, die er mir vor vielen Jahren mitgab.
Schon bevor ich meinen Dienst in der Grace Community Church begann, sagte mein Vater zu mir: „Ich will, dass Du Dich an einige Dinge erinnerst, bevor Du in den Dienst gehst. Erstens, die großen Prediger, die ausdauernden Prediger, die der Geschichte ihren Stempel aufdrückten, unterwiesen ihre Zuhörer im Wort Gottes. Zweitens, sie verharrten lange an einem Place. "These were two wise advice. When I came to Grace Community Church , most people thought I would stay there a year or two because I was a traveling youth minister. But in my heart I knew I wanted to do the two things my father had told me this was a means of teaching the Bible with expository preaching, especially the entire New Testament, because I knew the second that such a project requires would make a long stay in one place. I knew this would be the only way to nourish my own soul, to strengthen generations, with God's truth, and above all visible in the long run lead to an integer life.
Challies: you are obviously a very busy man What advice would you give to pastors as they should love their wives and children despite all the demands of pastoral ministry?
MacArthur: It is particularly important that the pastor gives his family a priority. As Paul told Timothy, had to demonstrate an elder of the following qualifications: ... of the house projecting well and keeps the children in submission with all honesty - but if someone knows not how to rule his own house, how he will ensure the church of God "This is a priority, as they are directly in Scripture is described.
The most important things you can do a Christian father to his children is love their mother in a modern way of Christ (Eph 5) and educate the children in the admonition of the Lord (Eph 6). And the most important thing he can do for his wife, is to follow Christ, to love them and then to infer from the abundance of his devotion to the Savior. Consequently, the fundamental key to a good husband and father is to be to be a God-fearing man - someone who loves the Lord burning and fills his heart and his mind with the Word of God. And that's very practical. To parents and a successful model in the marriage be, one must be faithful in following Christ. Everything else in life comes from this source. Then your leadership at home by an attitude of humble sacrifice and selfless service to be characterized. By the Spirit uses His Word to your heart to sanctify, it will lead your family and care for them.
There are other important things that fathers have to do, of course - such as prayer for the children correction with patience and kindness, teaching the love for the community, spending time with them, encourage them, and be a friend to help them to close friendships in wisdom. But the center of Christian Parenting is a faithful Christian to be .
This kind of true Christianity that is lived out daily in front of those you know best, produces great credibility in terms of preaching and leadership in the community.
Challies: How can we criticize people who are part of our "camp" in a constructive way if they have other beliefs or behave in a manner which we disapprove? How can we know where we cross a line?
MacArthur: Part of being an elder is not to only the truth to teach and preach, but also warn the flock from error . We see Christ and the apostles in this regard as role models in the New Testament. If the Gospel is threatened, and even if an important aspect of pastoral ministry or church life is subject to attacks, it is important to warn people against false and potential dangers.
If we disagree with people from "our camp" have (which I understand that these people affirm the Gospel, but only in secondary matters take a different view than we do), we need to respond case by case basis to it. And my response is dependent the size of the danger that, in my estimation, for the people who are entrusted to me spiritually. If it deals with a subject that is a potential threat to Grace Community Church or the students of the Master's College , I would like to speak before the congregation to do so. If the topic is very important and far reaching, I would write an article or a series of blog entries, or even a book.
I strive not to be a full-time critic of all topics. As is known, I criticized a few times people from the "own camp," as you call it, and my concern was characterized by a deep concern for the people, for which I had spiritual responsibility. I feel a heavy burden for them because I know I will one day before the Lord an account of it must , and I am ready in the broader evangelical community to be unpopular, if this is the price that I say what Scripture says.
One last thought that I would say: I believe it is appropriate , makes a speech to what was taught publicly . If someone publishes a book or an article on a blog or when someone holds a sermon (which is available online), it must not be publicly criticized. I am convinced that this is also for my teaching ministry. All I have preached or published, may therefore be publicly criticized. And I think critics do not regard as absolutely unkind, just because I do not agree with them. In fact, I welcome your feedback welcome because it is part of the process in which one gains clarity.
Challies: What two or three of the most pressing issues you currently see in the North American community?
MacArthur: Two of the main concerns werden in den nächsten beiden Fragen beantwortet. Darum gebe ich meine Antwort auf diese Frage später. Ein drittes Problem, das ich erkenne, ist die arminianische Methodologie [Arminius betonte den menschlichen Willen und war ein Gegenspieler Calvins, der als Begründer der Reformierten Kirche die Souveränität Gottes betonte], die viele in der Gruppe um Young Restless Reformed (junge Generation, die sich dem reformatorischen Glauben verpflichtet fühlt) kennzeichnet, obgleich sie ein reformatorisches Glaubensbekenntnis vertreten.
Traurigerweise ist es eine Ironie, dass diejenigen, die für sich beanspruchen, eine calvinistische Soteriologie (Lehre des Heils) zu vertreten, ekklesiologische [The community concerning] apply and evangelistic methods that have characterized much of current trends, clever methods and human ingenuity. If pastors exert oneself so as to be cool "or" hip "or" trendy "to be, and if they think that the way they talk or dress, the message of the gospel for the lost makes a pleasant , this reveals about them, that they have taken basically a Arminian position. Words such as "relevance," "innovation" or "contextualization" are becoming key words, even in Calvinist circles to the "Unchurched" to achieve. But these words contain a human-centered attitude that I believe that it is completely unbiblical.
How much better would it be the attitude of Jonathan Edwards during the Great Awakening (Grand revival from about 1730) to take. Edwards was surprised how people responded to his preaching. He manipulated the revival is not (as Finney did a century later). Instead, he focused on the preaching of truth and trust the Holy Spirit that he would complete his work. If we in our Calvinist soteriology, we should at least in the same spirit our Ecclesiology operate - and especially our evangelistic strategy.
Challies: you have the book Charismatic written chaos and yet we do, surprisingly, that to Reformation theology mixed with charismatic teachings (as in the communities that the Sovereign Grace belong movement). If you would now write a book as you would love for and criticism of Calvinism Charismatics unite with each other?
MacArthur: I would share my love and appreciation for CJ Mahaney, Wayne Grudem, John Piper and other conservative in the camp of non-Cessationisten [proponents of spiritual gifts - charisma - even today] to express. I see these men as friends and allies of the gospel. The book Charismatic Chaos was written primarily because of the excesses of the Pentecostal-charismatic movement. And for those excesses, these men are not exactly known.
But I would still ask these men to reconsider their position on spiritual gifts. I am convinced that the charismatic movement, the door open for more theological errors than any other factor in the 20 Century (including liberalism, psychology, and ecumenism). This is a strong statement, I know. But if you allow that experience at the center, the effects are catastrophic.
I also firmly believe that the biblical description of the charismatic gifts (charisms) of the charismatic gifts is incompatible, as they are practiced today in the Pentecostal-charismatic churches. Acts 2 describes, for example, the gift of tongues (language issue) explicitly as the ability to speak until then unknown and learned languages. The rest of the Neuen Testaments unterstützt dieses Verständnis (wie auch das Zeugnis der Kirchenväter). Aber dies ist das genaue Gegenteil des unsinnigen Gelalles, das die heutige Glossolalie (Zungenreden) charakterisiert. Also würde ich von ihnen einfordern, dass sie erklären, warum sie an einer modernen Praxis festhalten, die in Wahrheit keine biblische Grundlage hat – insbesondere da die moderne Praxis die Türen für alle möglichen theologischen Irrtümer öffnet.
Challies: Eine der wichtigsten Fragen, die in der heutigen Gemeinde diskutiert wird, ist die Schöpfung und Evolution. Glauben Sie, dass eine Person wirklich errettet sein kann und an eine can feel kind of theistic evolution? What would you classify the theological error that goes along with the denial of a creation in 6 days?
MacArthur: is In my opinion this is a very big mistake, because the authority of Scripture from the beginning is made on the question . It requires a special hermeneutics, to reverse the meaning of the Bible in the opposite of what it says clearly. And if you open up that door, nothing is safe from the attacks of rationalism, skepticism and open infidelity.
I watch the propaganda of organizations like BioLogos is published, and you must come inevitably to the conclusion that most people who are committed to this project, obviously did not believe, considering the many scriptures that they have to explain away regularly to their twisted ideology to justify.
In fact, the history of modernist rationalism full of impressive examples of why it is so serious and spiritually destructive if it submits the document human hypotheses. I have this issue at great length at the beginning of my book The Battle for the Beginning described.
But in response to your specific question: I believe that it is possible for a true believer to be confused or clouded by scientific arguments in terms of evolution and the age of the earth. (It is certainly possible for believers, that they inconsistent in their beliefs are -.. That they represent all the possible errors in varying degrees, this is called cognitive dissonance)
evangelicals who mean well, have experimented in various ways, reconcile the theory of an old earth with Scripture. One of the more popular ideas (To Henry Morris refuted them) was that it is a time interval between 1Mose 1.1 and 1.2 are 1Mose, and according to this theory, this interval could have lasted an incredibly long time, was in the change and chaos in the universe. Spurgeon took a version of this interval theory, and the original Scofield Bible spoke with a reckless enthusiasm by both the interval theory and on a cosmology of an old earth. Of course we would never all those who held such an opinion, among the unbelievers.
Nevertheless, evolutionary theory has become an untouchable dogma - a popular weapon for today's generation aggressive atheists - and I can not understand how a sober, well-founded, sat abandoned Christian who really believes what the Bible teaches, long the different and constantly changing theories can be convinced to propose the evolutionary scientists again and again . The Biblical cosmology, the report in 1Mose on the creation of man and his fall, and the important parallels between Adam and Christ in salvation history - these are the basic beliefs of Christianity, which have never changed, and they stand in stark contradiction purely to all naturalistic theories of the origin of life.
Anyone who takes seriously the authority of Scripture, the opinions of the people ultimately leave aside and simply rely on the script. The sooner we do this, the better it is. Honestly, I never understood how someone who believes in the literal resurrection of Christ could come there not to believe all the scriptures, from 1Mose 1.1.
Thanks to Dr. MacArthur, who was prepared to conduct this interview.
translated and published with permission from Tim Challies.
10 Questions with John MacArthur
5 More Questions With John MacArthur
Tim Challies John MacArthur
Tim Challies asked the readers of his blog in early 2011 to questions that he could be addressed to John MacArthur. He selected the best 10 questions and was pleased with the willingness of John MacArthur, in detail address these issues. The questions concerned, inter alia, on his new book slave , the best translations of the Bible, the avoidance of scandal, the challenges of the service and lessons that John MacArthur has even learned in the course of his ministry. Challies also spoke with MacArthur about time management, criticism of people out of the own stock, "theological crisis, charismatic representatives of the Calvinist camp, and Christians who reject a literal creation of 6 days.
Challies: slave (a slave). What is this word so special that you can write a whole book about it?
MacArthur: Sometimes a word can make a huge difference. For example, the Latin Vulgate translated the word metanoia (repentance, repentance) with paenitentia (penance, penance) to passages like Acts 2:38, which led to all sorts of problems in the Roman Catholic Church.
The image of a slave is an important part of writing. Indeed, the believers in the Old and New Testament hundreds of times are called "slaves." Nevertheless, the American Blind community is important for this issue because most English Bible translations translate the word "servant."
While it is true that the duties of slaves and servants are to overlap to some degree, there is a central difference between the two words are hired servants, slaves are property. Servants can freely decide to whom and what they want to work. The idea of servitude includes up to a certain degree of autonomy and personal rights. Slaves have no freedom on the other hand, no autonomy, no rights . In the Greco-Roman world had people Slaves, one from a legal perspective as things looked rather than people. Meant to be a slave to be the possession of a person you had to obey without hesitation or contradiction.
This reality has important implications for our understanding of the Gospel. The call of Christ to follow Him, is not only an invitation to be his partner, but it includes a mandate to become his slave. This message is needed above all in American society where the human-centered gospel and the good feelings of cheap grace has become so popular . But how far are we from the biblical reality - a reality you again in the spotlight must, by translating this one word correctly: ". slave"
In the past I have written many books that dealt with the right understanding of the Gospel The Gospel According to Jesus, The Gospel According to the Apostles, Hard to Believe etc. But as I noted in the preface to my book slave , there is no doubt that the persistent lack of an essential element Revelation New Testament much to the confusion in the evangelical teaching and evangelical action has resulted. In fact, I wonder if this was not the reason I looked crowded, so viele Bücher zu schreiben, um Klarheit über das Evangelium zu bringen. Wäre diese Realität bekannt gewesen, wäre es dann überhaupt nötig gewesen, alle diese Bücher zu schreiben?
Ich sehe darin ein vitales, wichtiges Thema mit weitreichenden Auswirkungen, wie das Evangelium verstanden, gepredigt und gelebt werden sollte.
Challies: Im Lichte dessen, was Sie in Ihrem Buch Slave schreiben, was die richtige Übersetzung von doulos (Sklave) angeht, welche Bibelübersetzung bevorzugen Sie? Ist die richtige Übersetzung des Wortes ein ausreichender Grund, für welche Übersetzung wir uns entscheiden sollten?
MacArthur: I am grateful for the excellent English translations like the NASB, NKJV and ESV. But I would have liked to see the Old Testament and New Testament word ebed doulos translated with the word slave. And I am glad that some do new translations of the Bible as the Holman Christian Standard Bible this.
I have done with a larger publishing some discussion as to whether you can change your Bible so that they doulos the truth about (slave) in the New Testament reflects. You told me that they want to discuss this point in their translation committee. But I do not know which end to take it.
While I do not expect to replace many communities their Bible translations because of the subject for another, I hope that pastors - where they preach on a text that contains the word doulos - take your time and your audience is , teach what the word really. I hope they do their homework in Greek and not just rely on the English text. If the Lord willing, the book Slave for it will be a help in this regard.
Challies: How manages to be spared a preacher of your awareness, of scandals and ruin to remain in a society of self-centeredness and selfishness? How do you protect yourself, and how to protect yourself other preachers?
MacArthur: The key to avoid scandals, is a lifestyle of integrity. If you live with integrity and have a clear conscience, then you never have to worry that it could be a scandal - because in their basement are no bodies buried. In the eyes of the people to be impeccably begins, so that they may walk blameless before the Lord.
As important as it is, a good reputation in the community zu bewahren, so ist es Tausend Mal wichtiger, auf den eigenen Charakter zu achten. Der vordringlichste Kampfplatz im Ringen um Integrität ist Ihr eigenes Denken. Dort wird alles verloren oder alles gewonnen. Und wenn Sie dort verloren haben, ist Ihr Charakter bereits ruiniert. Dann ist es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis Ihr Ruf geschädigt ist, denn ein schlechter Baum kann keine gute Frucht hervorbringen.
Einfach gesagt, wenn Sie sich um den Kampf im Innern bemühen, können Sie Gott vertrauen, dass er sich um Ihren Ruf in der Gemeinschaft draußen kümmert.
Während es sicherlich hilfreich ist, Rechenschaft vor anderen gottesfürchtigen Menschen abzulegen (Fellow elder, family members, etc.), it is far more helpful to remember that one is held responsible before God and that there will be a future court . You can be surrounded by many people one is accountable. But if you lose your heart in the struggle for accountability to God, then you'll come out to the outside never won. The real battle will take place in the hearts and conscience.
Challies: If you look back over the many years of your service, which was the biggest challenge you had to exist, and how God has used this in your service?
MacArthur: My years in the Grace Community Church had a wonderful time. Any difficulties that presented themselves to me, were low compared to the countless blessings and joys. Nevertheless, the service has not been without challenges. For example, when I was in Grace Community Church started my service, I immediately recognized the need to select God-fearing men and train them so they formed a body of elders. This was a long process and extended over many years, but I knew it was a negotiated biblical priority, and it was an investment that has since invaluable erwiesen hat .
Unsere Ältestenschaft hat seit dieser Zeit immer wieder vor Herausforderungen gestanden. Zeitweise gab es Personen, die versuchten, Spaltungen hervorzurufen oder die aus unbiblischen Gründen die Gemeinde verließen. Solche Dinge können sehr schmerzhaft und schwierig sein, insbesondere in der Situation selbst. Aber am Ende haben wir immer Gottes Treue erkannt. Ferner haben solche Situationen meine Liebe für meine Mitältesten vertieft, was mir zeigte, wie wichtig es ist, dass eine Vielzahl gottesfürchtiger Männer eine Gemeinde leitet.
Aber um Ihre Frage noch direkter zu beantworten, ich glaube, dass die größte Herausforderung jedes Predigers in his service in it is that it persistently, especially in this day and age the word of God remains faithful. There's always this temptation to tickle the ears of the listener to follow trends or casual work around with the Bible study. But because pastors are called to preach the true word, they must resist these temptations, and they have to do it week after week.
If a pastor devotes himself faithfully to the study and proclamation of God's word, is nothing but a greater influence on his life and ministry than this. He will be blessed not only because his soul is nourished resistant; but his people will grow because there is nothing in their lives gibt, was relevanter oder notwendiger ist für ihr geistliches Wachstum als die reine Milch des Wortes.
Manchmal werden Pastoren müde in ihrem Dienst, insbesondere wenn sie lange in einer Gemeinde bleiben. Aber der Schlüssel, diese Ermattung im Dienst zu verhindern, liegt in der persönlichen geistlichen Erneuerung. Wenn Sie zuerst Ihr eigenes Herz erfüllen, so dass Ihre Verkündigung für die geistlichen Dinge brennend und lebendig ist, dann können Sie erwarten, dass Ihre Gemeinde für geistliche Dinge ebenso lebendig sein wird. Solch ein Brennen kommt natürlich vor allem durch Ihr eigenes konzentriertes Studium des Wortes Gottes. Und hier ist ein wichtiger Schlüssel: Studieren Sie nicht, to prepare sermons, you study, so that you know the truth, so you can enjoy the glory and grace of God and for you to do God's will . Sermons should never be the main goal of our Bible studies, sermons should merely an emanation of it. If you study the Bible, you are looking for an accurate understanding of who God is and what he expected - first of all it's about your devotion and holiness . And then, from this wealth, you teach people and encourage them to follow you as you follow Christ.
Challies: If you once again as the man that you are now, could start from scratch, und dem Mann, der Sie damals waren einen Rat geben könnten, als sie ihren Dienst in der Grace Community Church antraten, welchen Rat würden Sie geben?
MacArthur: Ich würde wahrscheinlich die weisen Worte meines Vaters weitergeben, die er mir vor vielen Jahren mitgab.
Schon bevor ich meinen Dienst in der Grace Community Church begann, sagte mein Vater zu mir: „Ich will, dass Du Dich an einige Dinge erinnerst, bevor Du in den Dienst gehst. Erstens, die großen Prediger, die ausdauernden Prediger, die der Geschichte ihren Stempel aufdrückten, unterwiesen ihre Zuhörer im Wort Gottes. Zweitens, sie verharrten lange an einem Place. "These were two wise advice. When I came to Grace Community Church , most people thought I would stay there a year or two because I was a traveling youth minister. But in my heart I knew I wanted to do the two things my father had told me this was a means of teaching the Bible with expository preaching, especially the entire New Testament, because I knew the second that such a project requires would make a long stay in one place. I knew this would be the only way to nourish my own soul, to strengthen generations, with God's truth, and above all visible in the long run lead to an integer life.
Challies: you are obviously a very busy man What advice would you give to pastors as they should love their wives and children despite all the demands of pastoral ministry?
MacArthur: It is particularly important that the pastor gives his family a priority. As Paul told Timothy, had to demonstrate an elder of the following qualifications: ... of the house projecting well and keeps the children in submission with all honesty - but if someone knows not how to rule his own house, how he will ensure the church of God "This is a priority, as they are directly in Scripture is described.
The most important things you can do a Christian father to his children is love their mother in a modern way of Christ (Eph 5) and educate the children in the admonition of the Lord (Eph 6). And the most important thing he can do for his wife, is to follow Christ, to love them and then to infer from the abundance of his devotion to the Savior. Consequently, the fundamental key to a good husband and father is to be to be a God-fearing man - someone who loves the Lord burning and fills his heart and his mind with the Word of God. And that's very practical. To parents and a successful model in the marriage be, one must be faithful in following Christ. Everything else in life comes from this source. Then your leadership at home by an attitude of humble sacrifice and selfless service to be characterized. By the Spirit uses His Word to your heart to sanctify, it will lead your family and care for them.
There are other important things that fathers have to do, of course - such as prayer for the children correction with patience and kindness, teaching the love for the community, spending time with them, encourage them, and be a friend to help them to close friendships in wisdom. But the center of Christian Parenting is a faithful Christian to be .
This kind of true Christianity that is lived out daily in front of those you know best, produces great credibility in terms of preaching and leadership in the community.
Challies: How can we criticize people who are part of our "camp" in a constructive way if they have other beliefs or behave in a manner which we disapprove? How can we know where we cross a line?
MacArthur: Part of being an elder is not to only the truth to teach and preach, but also warn the flock from error . We see Christ and the apostles in this regard as role models in the New Testament. If the Gospel is threatened, and even if an important aspect of pastoral ministry or church life is subject to attacks, it is important to warn people against false and potential dangers.
If we disagree with people from "our camp" have (which I understand that these people affirm the Gospel, but only in secondary matters take a different view than we do), we need to respond case by case basis to it. And my response is dependent the size of the danger that, in my estimation, for the people who are entrusted to me spiritually. If it deals with a subject that is a potential threat to Grace Community Church or the students of the Master's College , I would like to speak before the congregation to do so. If the topic is very important and far reaching, I would write an article or a series of blog entries, or even a book.
I strive not to be a full-time critic of all topics. As is known, I criticized a few times people from the "own camp," as you call it, and my concern was characterized by a deep concern for the people, for which I had spiritual responsibility. I feel a heavy burden for them because I know I will one day before the Lord an account of it must , and I am ready in the broader evangelical community to be unpopular, if this is the price that I say what Scripture says.
One last thought that I would say: I believe it is appropriate , makes a speech to what was taught publicly . If someone publishes a book or an article on a blog or when someone holds a sermon (which is available online), it must not be publicly criticized. I am convinced that this is also for my teaching ministry. All I have preached or published, may therefore be publicly criticized. And I think critics do not regard as absolutely unkind, just because I do not agree with them. In fact, I welcome your feedback welcome because it is part of the process in which one gains clarity.
Challies: What two or three of the most pressing issues you currently see in the North American community?
MacArthur: Two of the main concerns werden in den nächsten beiden Fragen beantwortet. Darum gebe ich meine Antwort auf diese Frage später. Ein drittes Problem, das ich erkenne, ist die arminianische Methodologie [Arminius betonte den menschlichen Willen und war ein Gegenspieler Calvins, der als Begründer der Reformierten Kirche die Souveränität Gottes betonte], die viele in der Gruppe um Young Restless Reformed (junge Generation, die sich dem reformatorischen Glauben verpflichtet fühlt) kennzeichnet, obgleich sie ein reformatorisches Glaubensbekenntnis vertreten.
Traurigerweise ist es eine Ironie, dass diejenigen, die für sich beanspruchen, eine calvinistische Soteriologie (Lehre des Heils) zu vertreten, ekklesiologische [The community concerning] apply and evangelistic methods that have characterized much of current trends, clever methods and human ingenuity. If pastors exert oneself so as to be cool "or" hip "or" trendy "to be, and if they think that the way they talk or dress, the message of the gospel for the lost makes a pleasant , this reveals about them, that they have taken basically a Arminian position. Words such as "relevance," "innovation" or "contextualization" are becoming key words, even in Calvinist circles to the "Unchurched" to achieve. But these words contain a human-centered attitude that I believe that it is completely unbiblical.
How much better would it be the attitude of Jonathan Edwards during the Great Awakening (Grand revival from about 1730) to take. Edwards was surprised how people responded to his preaching. He manipulated the revival is not (as Finney did a century later). Instead, he focused on the preaching of truth and trust the Holy Spirit that he would complete his work. If we in our Calvinist soteriology, we should at least in the same spirit our Ecclesiology operate - and especially our evangelistic strategy.
Challies: you have the book Charismatic written chaos and yet we do, surprisingly, that to Reformation theology mixed with charismatic teachings (as in the communities that the Sovereign Grace belong movement). If you would now write a book as you would love for and criticism of Calvinism Charismatics unite with each other?
MacArthur: I would share my love and appreciation for CJ Mahaney, Wayne Grudem, John Piper and other conservative in the camp of non-Cessationisten [proponents of spiritual gifts - charisma - even today] to express. I see these men as friends and allies of the gospel. The book Charismatic Chaos was written primarily because of the excesses of the Pentecostal-charismatic movement. And for those excesses, these men are not exactly known.
But I would still ask these men to reconsider their position on spiritual gifts. I am convinced that the charismatic movement, the door open for more theological errors than any other factor in the 20 Century (including liberalism, psychology, and ecumenism). This is a strong statement, I know. But if you allow that experience at the center, the effects are catastrophic.
I also firmly believe that the biblical description of the charismatic gifts (charisms) of the charismatic gifts is incompatible, as they are practiced today in the Pentecostal-charismatic churches. Acts 2 describes, for example, the gift of tongues (language issue) explicitly as the ability to speak until then unknown and learned languages. The rest of the Neuen Testaments unterstützt dieses Verständnis (wie auch das Zeugnis der Kirchenväter). Aber dies ist das genaue Gegenteil des unsinnigen Gelalles, das die heutige Glossolalie (Zungenreden) charakterisiert. Also würde ich von ihnen einfordern, dass sie erklären, warum sie an einer modernen Praxis festhalten, die in Wahrheit keine biblische Grundlage hat – insbesondere da die moderne Praxis die Türen für alle möglichen theologischen Irrtümer öffnet.
Challies: Eine der wichtigsten Fragen, die in der heutigen Gemeinde diskutiert wird, ist die Schöpfung und Evolution. Glauben Sie, dass eine Person wirklich errettet sein kann und an eine can feel kind of theistic evolution? What would you classify the theological error that goes along with the denial of a creation in 6 days?
MacArthur: is In my opinion this is a very big mistake, because the authority of Scripture from the beginning is made on the question . It requires a special hermeneutics, to reverse the meaning of the Bible in the opposite of what it says clearly. And if you open up that door, nothing is safe from the attacks of rationalism, skepticism and open infidelity.
I watch the propaganda of organizations like BioLogos is published, and you must come inevitably to the conclusion that most people who are committed to this project, obviously did not believe, considering the many scriptures that they have to explain away regularly to their twisted ideology to justify.
In fact, the history of modernist rationalism full of impressive examples of why it is so serious and spiritually destructive if it submits the document human hypotheses. I have this issue at great length at the beginning of my book The Battle for the Beginning described.
But in response to your specific question: I believe that it is possible for a true believer to be confused or clouded by scientific arguments in terms of evolution and the age of the earth. (It is certainly possible for believers, that they inconsistent in their beliefs are -.. That they represent all the possible errors in varying degrees, this is called cognitive dissonance)
evangelicals who mean well, have experimented in various ways, reconcile the theory of an old earth with Scripture. One of the more popular ideas (To Henry Morris refuted them) was that it is a time interval between 1Mose 1.1 and 1.2 are 1Mose, and according to this theory, this interval could have lasted an incredibly long time, was in the change and chaos in the universe. Spurgeon took a version of this interval theory, and the original Scofield Bible spoke with a reckless enthusiasm by both the interval theory and on a cosmology of an old earth. Of course we would never all those who held such an opinion, among the unbelievers.
Nevertheless, evolutionary theory has become an untouchable dogma - a popular weapon for today's generation aggressive atheists - and I can not understand how a sober, well-founded, sat abandoned Christian who really believes what the Bible teaches, long the different and constantly changing theories can be convinced to propose the evolutionary scientists again and again . The Biblical cosmology, the report in 1Mose on the creation of man and his fall, and the important parallels between Adam and Christ in salvation history - these are the basic beliefs of Christianity, which have never changed, and they stand in stark contradiction purely to all naturalistic theories of the origin of life.
Anyone who takes seriously the authority of Scripture, the opinions of the people ultimately leave aside and simply rely on the script. The sooner we do this, the better it is. Honestly, I never understood how someone who believes in the literal resurrection of Christ could come there not to believe all the scriptures, from 1Mose 1.1.
Thanks to Dr. MacArthur, who was prepared to conduct this interview.
translated and published with permission from Tim Challies.
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