Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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U.S. pastor admits to his homosexuality

The now 52-year-old charismatic pastor Jim Swilley founded 25 years ago Rockdale County Church, which developed over the years into a mega church. Swilley known, that he felt drawn since childhood to homosexuality. Swilley, who was married with four children, admits now that his wife had shared this secret with him for 21 years. His wife Debye, which is now divorced from him, said her husband that it was time to end this life of lies and follow the motto under which he put his service and his community: "Real people who have a real God in a real world experience. "Pastor Swilley learns much understanding and support from his community. Criticism came, the pastor, only from conservative groups.

accumulate Recently the confessions of same-sex couples in "Christian" circles in the United States. Jay Bakker, the Emerging Church is allocated, founded the Church Revolution. For Bakker, the son of the famous Pentecostal preacher and television evangelist Jim Bakker, who was convicted in 1989 because of financial and sex scandal to 45 years in prison, homosexuality is neither a sin nor incompatible with a genuine change in the faith ( here ). The Christian singer Jennifer Knapp outed himself in Larry King Live as long Lesbin and said a conservative Christian on camera that it does not have the right to condemn them, and that each person has their may represent perspective on this issue.

now appears in American evangelicalism finally the debate about the pros and cons of being broken out of homosexuality. We may assume that this discussion will take place in the near future in the Old World. The mainline Protestantism in North America and Europe has been largely in favor of alternative forms of life and against a ban on homosexuality. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), for example, in 2009 in favor of same-sex partnerships ( here ). Nadia Bolz-Weber , ordained minister of the ELCA, said, even favored, yet to be tolerant in matters of sexuality. She pleads for the acceptance of "queer
" Christians. The word queer stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people - also known as the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual). In other words, the issue of sexuality, anything goes.

The new pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Service Act allows same-sex unions this year of their pastors. Michael servants of the Church President Gnadau Gemeinschaftsverbandes, ruft zwar zu einer "biblisch klaren Stellung" in der Frage der Homosexualität auf, kritisiert aber zugleich die "Fundamentalisten," die ihre Position klar vertreten. Diener sagte: "Wir als Evangelikale sagen: Jesus liebt die Homosexuellen, aber nicht ihre Bindung. Was machen wir dann? Und wie empfinden das Menschen, die es sind? Christen müssten sich dieser Frage anders stellen als sie es zu einer Zeit taten, als die Mehrheit der Gesellschaft unseren Standpunkt teilte. Gerade in Sachen Homosexualität müssten Christen ihre Argumentation überprüfen und dafür sorgen, dass sie in der Sache biblisch klar, aber in Liebe geschieht." Diener ist überzeugt: "Da just fundamentalists lot of catching up. For any deviation from one's opinion does indeed, as uncertainty of their own faith. "( here ) called

Although Pastor Holdinghausen of the FEG
recently to a radical rethinking of the issue of homosexuality had, it remains, according to press spokesman for the FEG in which in 2004 adopted document of the FEG on homosexuality. ( here )

May we in the German speaking soon with a similar wave count of persons as "evangelicals" the "courage to publicly ? To confess their homosexuality "

more articles on the topic:

Rick Warren: Apologetic Weekend Conference 2010

Jimmy Carter: U.S. is ready for gay president

Benedict Peters: Tolerance - love and interviewed truth


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