Saturday, March 5, 2011

Why Do Cats Put A Paw On You

Pat Robertson: Prophet without confirmation

The list of false prophecies by Pat Robertson, the opposite of John Paul II in 1995 expressed argued that it "was time, the small differences ( minor differences ) to do aside" and in the same year in the New York Times announce was that "we all want to build bridges with the Catholic Church," is lang:

1982: Robertson the beginning of the tribulation prophesied in the year.

1984, Robertson predicted the start of the tribulation period this year.

1992: Robertson calls out a year of rest for the USA - "A Year of Calm." But on 29 April 1992 riots broke out in Los Angeles. Result: 55 dead, 18,000 arrests, property damage in the amount of 700 million Dollars.

1991: "The Lord said," Robertson that President George HW Bush's re-election in 1993 would decide for themselves.

1992: Once again, "says the Lord" to Robertson to win President George HW Bush, the U.S. elections in 1993 would. But the American people decided otherwise: Bill Clinton is the 42nd in 1993 President of the United States.

1999: Pat Robertson predicted that 1999 would be the most profitable years for the church of Christ, both spiritually and financially. From the year 2000 the world economic and other kind of disaster would be afflicted. All Christen, die fleißig spenden, würden von den Auswirkungen der kommenden Katastrophen verschont bleiben.

2004: Im Januar 2004 sagte Robertson "im Namen des Herrn" voraus, dass die Wiederwahl von Präsident George W. Bush ein Kinderspiel werden würde. Nach einer spannenden Wahl und einem knappen Sieg trat George W. Bush seine zweite Amtszeit an. Immerhin räumte Robertson später in einem Interview mit dem Nachrichtensender CNN ein, dass es sich nicht um Gottes Reden, sondern seine eigenen Gedanken gehandelt hatte.

2007: Pat Robertson prophezeite für das Jahr 2007, dass eine US-amerikanische Großstadt zerstört werden würde.

2008: Für das Jahr 2008 sagte Robertson hohe Ölpreise und Turbulenzen am Finanzmarkt voraus, was tatsächlich eintrat – allerdings gab es viele Stimmen von Finanz- und Wirtschaftsanalysten, die dasselbe voraussagten!

2011: Für das Jahr 2011 sagte Robertson voraus, dass es innerhalb von zwei Jahren zu Unruhen kommt und die Arbeitslosigkeit steigen wird. Allen Christen, die ihre Häuser bezahlt haben, verspricht Robertson, dass sie diese behalten können. Wer jedoch Schulden hat, wird sein Haus verlieren. Der charismatische Fernsehsender CBN (Christian Broadcast Network wurde 1961 von Pat Robertson gegründet) wird jedoch inmitten einer bitteren Zeit und Aufruhr prosperieren. Der nächste US-Präsident will govern an impoverished America. ( here )

In the book The attack on the truth states:

No matter how eloquent, articulate and impressive given the modern prophets, their fruit is far from convincing . Many prophets will rise up tomorrow and give vague, nebulous prophecies that can be interpreted in any way. Many of the prophets, their prophecies that have not been fulfilled, with lame arguments to explain away what will be accepted by their credulous followers easily. Who is against the prophetic Heresy, fraud in the name of God and false prophecies represents, will be considered by many prophets as critical or unspiritual.

to be no prophet can predict is that it will reflect many prophecies, the mighty revivals and mass conversions, a new era of divine activity, the equipment of the faithful (gullible?) With extraordinary divine powers and the triumph a charismatic Christianity predict ...

No one in the charismatic movement, will take responsibility for false prophecies no one is the false prophets Accountable to no one will talk about those that remain disappointed and disillusioned.

Jesus was right when he told his disciples (! Mt 24.11, see also V. 4.5.24) up to "And many false prophets, and shall deceive many." (S.444)


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