Friday, March 5, 2010

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House Intern II or my poor blood pressure!

Ok, I know that I really only part II bring the most interesting and compelling Midstay Camp article would have to, but it raises a critical change in my daily life that are immediately addressed must . Alone is to have a valve and can even let off steam. Otherwise I just save my pent-up anger in the form of grief and resentment in my Langzeitgedaechtnis.
It's about our domestic workers. Since I am here (about 2.5 months), we had seven different Hausmaedchen. According to my parents, they all had to work just after a while tired and are not spontaneously come, in part, to pick up even without their clothes. For this I must add that our employees, always two at the same time, both have their rooms in a cottage in the garden. This high wear of labor is very unlike my first two families, employing the same staff for several years and become something like friends to you. However, as it the Friends of my enemies, they were also my enemies. Since my current family as "friends" and above all really as "my family" can be described and each new Hausmaedchen only wants to make a good impression on us, I win almost twice as all are nice to me, partly because they I like it and partly because they are professionally obligated to do so. Although I also give trouble to be nice to the servants, which meant that me and all, judging from my limited view, very much like to have or have had.
you now you still doubt the entry "house" in memory. The aim was that the employees deal with each other and showed each other reminded how important It was a job to have while I stood by, and was ignored and was able to fly on the wall, while loudly mixed my milkshake.
Now, a week ago have rescinded all spontaneous and we were a couple of days without support. Now the average German probably wondering specify where the problem is because the everyday life in other countries, especially in industrialized nations, eventually also works great with no domestic help. Now say you have to do that my little brothers still do need help, my host parents do not have time to cook, I do not have any pleasure, and is the local bourgeois family structure has over the years designed and developed afterwards.

Also it might be interesting for you to know how to find new Arbeitskreafte, as there's not such a thing as an employment agency there. Usually you ask friends or acquaintances, whether they have a home help too much, or know someone who knows someone. You see, it's always a little odd and confused here.

But, now we have two new ones. Just as it seems they have so far worked only half days, which means that dinner will always be warmed, but still delicious. However, it may be that both are uebergangsmaessig there. One of them I can suffer total well and she cooks delicious incredible. It really tastes like a restaurant where she cooks. Would be foolhardy to say it, almost as good as when I cook yourself? ;-) Well, probably so.
Anyway, the other was ever been with us, then, but only for about a week. It is the only one that I really did not like. And she's back. Why was I cursed with her, I do not know, but it's neat to me in the ass. While the previous young, discreet and obedient were, this subject is the exact opposite. You always babbles loudly about any of these, absolutely irrelevant stuff and then I tried one of their most still in talks to involve droege. I have also at that time in memory as they apply to me in the morning was what I would have to eat at breakfast and that water does not dazugehoere. I'm so very happy when you taught me in this field.

The reason why I write this today, the drop so that brought my emotional camel's back was that it hated me again awakened in the morning, which is absolutely not their right or even duty, and the total also ahead of time. I could have sleep! your vile intentions and methods of knowing, I knew that if I left the room, they would immediately begin to wipe etc. and could not sell. My bladder could not follow this logic, unfortunately. So I waited until I heard nothing more and I snuck out. Without making any sound.

call you me and Jan Bond.

was hardly the lock of the bathroom turned around, but I heard once - as she had hoped for this moment the tempo Raeren impotence waited - a moaning grinding and hauling. When I came out, she was gone, but my bed was completely withdrew, so that I could not sleep on it. Instead of making it, but they went away and I found them down before sipping Tereré, MY FAVORITE straw (Bombilla) USER (I just wanted to use) and saw they babble instead of working. This upsets me really.

So, that's it. I hope she goes soon or I must ensure that they will be fired. The fact that she was there and not yesterday otherwise only half a day with their presence defiled my environment is, for me is something like a silver lining on the distant horizon of hope.

We shall see. I'll keep this connection to date. Rejoice in the meantime time to part-II Unfortunately, not until next week. You know, with nobody to talk to you to thank for that. ;-)


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