Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Kind Of Careers In Entertainment?

Relationship between the rip-mafia "Frankfurter circle" and the alleged stalking victim Oliver Götz

Go Against the Web Ltd., As the successor company of the equally controversial online content Ltd. is under investigation for quite some time. In the nearly impenetrable web of companies are websites such occupations,, abstract, homework, or operated. They all share: These are Internet sites, which young people and teenagers in expensive internet subscribers will be enticed. include

The alleged operators of these sites cheaters Michael Burat, Villiam Adamca and Robert, and Oliver Götz.

During the Frankfurt Burat and Adamca brothers from Slovakia for quite some time Online fraud is known, only recently officially confirmed that Oliver Götz from Oberhaid-season stream in Upper Franconia to the backers of the so-called "Frankfurt gyro" is one.

Oliver Goetz is no stranger to the internet is, however, explicitly from consumer advocates and anti-cheaters. Goetz operates several Internet sites on which he before the so-called "Useless industry," saying, warns fraudulent sites on the Internet. And he even goes a step further: Because there were some people who saw through him and him as a wolf in sheep's clothing unmasked, Oliver Götz plays for over a year, the victims of criminal cyber-stalkers.

Wann auch immer Oliver Götz jetzt mit seinen kriminellen Machenschaften konfrontiert wird, weist er jedes Mal gezielt auf eine von ihm geführte Webseite hin, auf der er seinen Alltag als Stalking-Opfer bis ins kleinste Detail der Öffentlichkeit vorführt. Egal, was man Götz auch vorwirft: Schuld sind immer die anderen! Im konkreten Fall ist es eine angebliche Gruppe von Jugendlichen, die von Götz als „Kindergartenbande“ bezeichnet wird.

Jedem, der von Stalking betroffen ist, wird von Fachleuten immer wieder geraten, nicht zu viel darüber zu reden, um den Verfolgern kein Erfolgserlebnis zu bieten. Oliver Götz hingegen beschreibt auf seiner Internetseite jede Einzelheit des Stalkings gegen ihn und diverse other people. There are so many people as possible know what a sacrifice Götz.

is striking that in the alleged cyber stalking against Oliver Götz always information regarding the "Frankfurter gyroscope" showed up. Supposedly all this information be nothing more than slander and defamation have been. But the fact is that Goetz has made the Internet a lot of orders, which were paid through an account of the Go Web Limited at Sparkasse Bamberg. Since Oberhaid relay stream, the residence of Oliver Götz, located near Bamberg, was the access to the cheaters bank account for the putative consumer advocates no problem.
But not only
Oliver Götz benefits from the fake for more than a year, cyber stalking. Even Michael Burat and Adamca brothers can always their criminal machinations of the so-called "kindergarten gang" pin the blame.

Who wants to cover up his dubious business activities, as in this particular case, Internet rip-off one has to be just clever enough to find a scapegoat to blame can be assigned. And since one is a victim of cyber-stalking so, can be washed after every outrage his hands of it, because you is not been so. Instead, they boldly refers to a website called "cyber-stalking Today" and is what are essentially declared the innocence of angels.

As some credible witnesses testified, Oliver Götz Michael Burat was paid for it, that he has directed the cyber-stalking against him and several other people in order to protect the consumer attributes largely to a standstill.

Oliver Götz stresses on its website but again, he would have nothing to do with online rip-off and would not be so sick but to destroy his own reputation in the form of cyber-stalking. But the whole play was perfidious and everything is only a means to an end. And for a considerably high amount of money you take it like the destruction of his own reputation on the Internet in purchasing. Oliver Götz certainly seems very too much fun out his website, "Cyber-stalking Today" filled with lots of text and colorful pictures. And not only idol itself, but the entire mafia cheaters benefit.

Burat Neither Michael nor the Adamca brothers seem to be intimidated by the investigating authorities to leave. And that is for the "Frankfurter circle" active advocate Katja Guenther send reminders diligent in the future, for the Munich prosecutor has closed the investigation against them. Katja Guenther it now handles like Oliver Götz: Everything you accuse her, she pushes the "kindergarten gang" in the shoes.

victims of the Go Web Ltd. is - as usual with subscription traps on the Internet - to guess: Who will get bills, even though he joined not aware of a fee-based service, should not pay the claims. Also threatening letters and warnings are ignored. It is important only later to respond quickly to any possible court order. Even such court orders are in fact applied for recently isolated from con men. One must know

that the courts consider the adoption of such decisions not know if they are ever justified. The first came when the affected receiver and contradicts the claim adjuster is prepared to his claims to be screened in a court process. The trust, however, are not cheaters, as a rule.



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