Thursday, July 8, 2010

Homeade Advent Wreath

I.ii Odyssey - Prelude

The best education is a clever man to travel!
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1746-1832)

In many languages the term "Odyssey" into a synonym for a long odyssey has become. A journey that robs all forces and often in despair, resignation and humility ends, for those who boldest is enough to deliver her.

What can bring a person to take such a burden on the? A major part of his fortune and his health at that game, just a distant, seemingly utopian goal to achieve?

The emotions that each of us has are strong. Much stronger than we suspect often as we hope and sometimes as we fear.

hatred can destroy families. Pity life can Save lives. Love can Change customer people.
feelings are the ones who often determine more than anything else our everyday lives and life planning. More than reason, more than rules and laws, more than mere physical barriers.

you are, people scrambling to make extraordinary, to break boundaries and the improbable, the unbelievable to have become a reality.

you are the fuel for random walks. Beginning with Odysseus, who gave them the name that pioneers such as Ferdinand Magellan, to today's idols such as Lance Armstrong and Nelson Mandela. Despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles, they persevered and rose above himself and wrote history.

On the same principle, albeit with much less importance for humanity, it drove me out of my safe little house here in Paraguay, in order to overcome an inner pain that my soul for many months, tortured and abused: longing!


each volunteer, in the context of the other services are available abroad (ADiA) makes a development service to 26 vacation days. Accordingly, I had thought about using my quota as possible at once to make my travel experience to be as intensive as possible.

the reason for my trip I have however been declared as little as the destination. It is simple and yet Largest of all Importance. wanted

All this happened because I wanted to see my girlfriend! :-)

She was next to my family the most important thing I had to leave for a year in Germany. But I could hardly hold out for a Zwoelfmonat. Therefore, we recognized from the beginning to try somehow to meet in the meantime. And it was only for a few weeks.

We agreed finally to the U.S. because we both like the country very much and I have family there too, we could stay with. However, as we initially wanted to plan everything carefully, the tour moved on to Easter.

After long, tri-continental agreements were finally die Reiseroute festgesetzt und es konnte losgehen.

Ich war erleichtert, nervoes. Aber dennoch vollkommen davon ueberzeugt, dass die Reise vor lauter Aufregung schnell und einfach von statten gehen wuerde und ich bald in den Vereinigten Staaten ankommen sollte, um meinen Schatz endlich wieder in die Arme schliessen zu koennen.

Ich hatte ja keine Ahnung...

(Fortsetzung folgt)


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