Who ever in the oven, grill and Hölzlein pointed
foreign lands and not be inspected, which is an ape in his Skin.
Old German proverb
begins the third part. My journey takes its course and things are rolling. However, quite different than I had imagined. Therefore serves as a denouement that part of my drama, also called the action envelope, takes the seemingly predictable unexpected twists. The deal specified
beautiful ideal world comes into contact with the brutal reality, a conflict arises and puts the unsuspecting protagonists, in this case, unfortunately, I involuntarily a hard kick in the nuts.
Why, you ask?
Let's turn the time back again shortly. What has happened so far?
to meet up with my girlfriend machte ich mich auf den langen Weg in die Vereinigten Staaten, um sie dort bei meinen frueheren Gasteltern zu treffen. Am Tag der Abreise packte ich schnell meine Koffer, wurde zum Bus-Terminal gebracht und erwartete dort mein Transportmittel. Aber wieso gerade ein Omnibus?
Zunaechst stellte sich mir die Frage, wie man denn nun am besten und vor allem am billigsten von Paraguay bis zu den Suedstaaten der USA kommt.
Meine erste Idee in Anbetracht der hohen Flugpreise war das Verwenden mehrerer gekoppelter Busreisen bis hoch nach Mexiko. Dieser Einfall erschien mir anfaenglich aeussert brilliant, da ich nebenbei auch noch fast alle lateinamerikanischen Laender durchqueren koennte und mir diese mal kurz zu Gemuete fuehren wuerde. Dann wurde mir allerdings quickly realize the downside of the whole, I would cover all Latin American countries need to pass through. A quick check on the map told me the distance:
about 7650km distance. (Note: From Oslo, Norway, to Rome in Italy, there are "only" 2000 km)
Ah yes, maybe not.
Then I wanted to take a boat and hochschippern. Unfortunately, there is not much there except cruises on offer. As Paraguay is a landlocked country, boat trips were anyway not the usual modus operandi . So it was probably just the old Stahlkraehe.
Then began a long bounty hunting for the cheapest flight. I had just something Found even if I have to spend the flight on the board toilet would.
It was clear that a flight from Asuncion, starting out of the question was, since a bus ride would be drastically reduced in one of the closest airports internationaelen the total cost. In Rio de Janeiro question and São Paulo in Brazil and Buenos Aires came in Argentina. Rio is just blazing 25 hours bus trip from Asuncion, the two other major cities around the 20th A round-Rueckfahrticket is, each about 40-50 € but very cheap. Then we went to the tariff
check the individual airlines.
$ 1300 for a flight Baires / Rio - Miami + return? Looked like this go smoothly, as I would to Sao Paulo.
After the bus ticket was bought and packed the suitcases, I finally waited at the terminal as my double-decker coach, with only 10 minutes late arrived. With such a small deviation is noticed at once that could be the service provider is not Paraguayo.
After my luggage was stowed, I sat in the reserved seat on the upper floor and put me in addition to my lunch box handle my book. I chose "World Without End" , or "The endless world" by Ken Follett , the over 1,200-page sequel to the classic "The Pillars of the Earth" .
Page 1 - While some kids go in medieval England to verhaengnisvolle tour is up to me on the bus all the beautiful places where it should be. I lean back and relax and look forward to a cozy trip I can probably mainly slept. On tour I'm going really well but, like the fictional characters in the bound masterpiece that stares me from my lap.
But there already appeared on the first failure. A middle-aged man was sitting right on the opposite side of me on the bus. Besides the two of us in the entire bus may have been only eight other people. Very little, if I compare it crowded with trip to Buenos Aires last January. Nevertheless, provided Senor said for a noise level which would have made a class competition. When not on snoring or sneezing, he dealt the next few hours so loudly to bring out something from the infernal depths of his throat. Absolutely disgusting and very disturbing. Here, such behavior is not uncommon. Knigge was, after all, no South Americans. With a bit of canned music from my MP3 player I was able to escape the cacophony, however temporarily.
Page 160 - During a young, sold as a slave and escaped farmer's daughter tries to escape her captors, we arrived about four hours after uneventful trip - the Stoerenfried was fortunately now dropped out - in Ciudad del Este. We also ran away like the fictional English girl. However, we drove only a tight schedule and connecting flights and no bloodthirsty outlaws. Speaking of which, the city is on the Brazilian and Argentine border and is therefore of key insiders said switch sets smugglers and terrorists across South America. Here, for some reason had to be cleaned from inside the bus, which took over an hour to complete. I personally give the guy with the manners de gua'u * the blame for every possible contamination. Who else can it have been? Well, 90% of the remaining population junta would certainly also in question. The persistence
there in the "city of the East" was me even though feel uncomfortable because I had heard many warnings about the high crime rate, which I confirmed this terminal loitering, shady characters only.
According happy I was when it finally went on.
While I was the breathtaking "Puente Internacional de la Amistad" , or simply the Freundschaftsbruecke, in the sunset saw that spans the river Paraná and Brazil and Paraguay as a binational handshake combines felt, I am for the first time in a long time again as an adventurer, a pioneer of the new world explored. The excitement caused a spontaneous rush of adrenalin and the prospect of the discovery of a, which is mine (!) Treasure left, my heart beat faster.
The euphoria but was quickly subdued, as if I had to fight with my first kite that I had for sure in less spectacular landscapes can meet:
At the border I had to show my passport and prove that I harbored no terrorist intentions. That was my first contact with Brazilians, since I am Portuguese hours. At that time I had but just a few weeks of classes, which my language expertise but very limited. Then it was
also soon be dark. I quickly sent another text message to my host family that so far everything went well. Prompt came the, sinngemaesse, Anwort, "Dir auch viel Glueck, du wirst es brauchen."
Seite 210 - Nach der Lektuere ueber den Kollaps der Stadtbruecke in Kingsbridge und den anschliessenden Rettungaktionen wurde mir dann im Bus sogar ein kleines Abendessen serviert, das mir in Kombination mit meinen Vorraeten auch kurzfristig den Hunger nehmen konnte. Auch war ich froh, dass sich die Brueckenbaukunst ueber die Jahrhunderte verbessert hatte.
Danach wurde ich auch langsam schlaefrig und schlief, mit meinem Ersatz-T-Shirt als Kissen, langsam zum Rhythmus der weiten Strassen Brasiliens ein.
Am naechsten Morgen wurde ich gegen 6 Uhr unsanft von den Klaengen paraguayischer Volksmusik geweckt, die ueberall aus den Lautsprechern droehnte and was accompanied visually with the television board. What I would be glad to finally be able to escape the noise.
much I've learned this year, to tolerate a certain degree: stupidity, ignorance, bad manners and burning, merciless, infested by mosquitoes heat. But the traditional music, I'll probably never get used me. For that is, in my opinion, the worst kind of sounds on this planet that is not specifically intended as a crash. After a short
Hohlraumversieglung, that plugs into his ears, was solved but the problem already.
breakfast there were none.
This Hundesoehne! Luckily I had a little food left. To read war ich aber etwas zu aufgeregt, da wir schon in der Peripherie des "Heiligen Paulus" angekommen waren. Mit einer Ausdehnung von knapp 8000 Quadratkilometern und einer Metropolregionsbevoelkerung von satten 20 Millionen eher eine der groesseren Staedte dieser Welt ist São Paulo allerdings auch unvorstellbar gross, unuebersichtlich und vor allem schmutzig. Obwohl ich Armut seit Paraguay durchaus gewohnt bin, versetzte mir der Anblick einiger favelas , oder Armenghettos, doch einen Schock, da Tausende von winzigen Behausungen ueber ganze Huegelketten an- und aufeinander gepresst werden. Es gab auch so gut wie keine Gruenflaechen zu sehen, wobei ich natuerlich auch nur einen winzigen Bruchteil passierte.
Mir wurde gesagt, an entire city with a car can traverse quite half a day or more to complete.
When we were two hours later, still not arrived at the local bus station, I doubted this assertion is not even longer. At 8:30 we finally reached after more than 21-hour trip "O Terminal Tiete" .
This was the moment I had dreaded all along the journey the most. I would somehow have to find a way from here to the airport. I had no idea how I would do that, because the Internet had not worked great. The language barrier made me put more fear. Because with English and even English is rarely far here. My Portuguese was still in its infancy.
But a very different fact I could not rest. Namely, that the general bus station one of the most dangerous places every major city, as there is for robbers, thieves and other lawbreakers, the most promising and most are also the most helpless victims.
I would be the next?
Suddenly a stop. The bus stopped for the last time the wheels. And I worried, but the breath ...
* "de gua'u is Yopará / Guarañol, a mix of English and Guaraní, for" fake / not authentisch/pseudo- "
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