Monday, February 21, 2011

Treatment Of Pedicure Infection

inhuman gender standards

One does not have a gender, but to behave accordingly.

"You do not have a gender, but to behave accordingly." This is the essence of the new image of man, which propagate since the turn of the century official reports of the federal government. Although vacate a government expert that one of course, between men and women distinction. However, that was the product "socialisatory About formations," a so-called "doing gender". Gender is in this world not as a natural-biological category (sex), but as "a social and cultural construction" ("Gender") (1). To rewrite this plan, that is the goal of gender mainstreaming. . It requires the political actors to "make their decisions so that they contribute to the promotion of effective equality of the sexes" (2) Any differences between the living conditions of the sexes look at his lawyer - at least as long as it favors men - as a consequence of discriminating against women "gender hierarchy". Their power relations manifested in particular in the scale of money: Wage differentials to the disadvantage of women are thus per se as an expression of lack of equal opportunity between the sexes. This wage gap measures the .. "Gender Pay Gap": As such, trades in the official language, the difference in average gross hourly earnings between men and women after this degree women in Germany earn about one-fifth less than men (3) This differential leveling is central to the employment policy in the Official Statistics operates a (possibly vanishing) "Gender pay gap as an indicator of" social cohesion "and" sustainability "(4 )....

... all the news from IDaF (Institute of Demography, public welfare and family) read: here


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